Next morning results

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Jamila's POV.


I was in the hospital watching my mum slowly fade away,

"please don't die mum, I love you way too much", she chuckles lightly and grabs my hand,

"sometimes certain people can't live on this planet for too long but I think I've lived long enough, I conquered my greatest dreams, like traveling the world, marrying your dad and the best thing of all, having you", I cried and she took me in her arms,

"I love you Jamila",

"I love you too mum", her hand slipped away from mine and slowly she was taken away, I cried and cried, life would never be the same again.....


I woke up suddenly sweating and relfecting on my dream, I let a tear slip from my eye, god I wish I didn't have to go through all of this. I was sitting in bed thinking about the dream until I heard something smash, it was 9 in the morning, it couldn't be Niall since he went to bed late, I quickly got out of bed and raced down the hallway, I checked Niall's room but he wasn't in there, I heard another noise and it was coming from the bathroom, I raced in there and found Niall ravanging through the cupboard,

"Niall, what's wrong?", I say rushing to his side,

"I've felt shit since last night, I'm trying to found some tablets or something", he looked pale as a ghost, this definitely wasn't his hangover look,

"Niall you duffer you should've come in and seen me",

"I didn't want to wake you", I smiled and he slightly smiled back,

"remember our oath, we can call each other at what ever time of the day we want", he smiles and I slip the hair out of his eyes,

"tell me what's wrong",

"I woke up around an hour after going to bed and got really bad stomach cramps then I eventually went back to sleep but then I woke up 2 hours later and felt like being sick and had a massive headache then the same thing happened another hour later and I've just been trying to sleep it off",

"have you been sick?",

"no, but the thing is I really-", he was cut off by rushing to the toilet and being sick, I rushed over to him and rubbed his back softly,

"you don't need to be here Jamila, I'm-", he was cut off again and continued to be sick,

"I'm going to make you some special tea okay, I'll be right back", I ran downstairs and made up the tea, it was my Nan's recipe, it was really good if you had a delicate stomach. I finished and headed to Niall's bedroom but he wasn't there, I put the tea down and went back to the bathroom to find him with his arm resting on the toilet and his head laying on his arm,

"Niall? are you okay?", he brang his head up slowly and looked at me blankly,

"yeah I'm good, I might head on home now",

"you're going nowhere Niall, you're sick as a dog", I went over to him and helped him to his feet, we walked to the spare bedroom and I helped him into bed,

"thanks Jamila, you truely are my best friend", I smiled while he cuddled into the doona,

"before you get cosy, drink this, it really helps", he sat up and took the cup from me, he took a sip and he shivered,

"mmm that's good", I laughed and he continued to drink it,

"did you eat anything last night?", I asked him,

"yeah just a hot dog",

"you've obviously been food poisoned, you'll have to keep an eye out with what you eat", he frowns and groans,

"but I love all foods!", I laugh and hear the doorbell downstairs,

"I'll be back in a sec", I quickly went downstairs and answered it, it was the boys,

"have you seen Niall?", asked Harry,

"yeah he's upstairs",

"oh good 'cause we thought all of the boys could have a laddy day out", cheered Lou,

"well I think your laddy day will have to be cancelled, he's been food poisoned",

"your kidding, poor lad", sympathized Zayn,

"let's bring the laddy day to him then", cheered Liam, the boys cheered and raced upstairs, I raced after them and found them in Niall's room, actually being quiet, I looked over at Niall and he was fast asleep, dyed hair with his brown roots sticking in every direction, his pale face still and beautiful as always... ANYWAY this was definitely going to be a bit of a trip to recovery.

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