Besties or fiesties?

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Jamila's POV

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face, I was really happy for Ruby and Lou, dreams were coming true! I got up quietly and went downstairs, I felt evil this morning so I decided to wake Ruby up. I grabbed a pot and wooden spoon and went back upstairs to Ruby's room, I went in and she was spread all over the bed, awww she wasn't gonna be like this for much longer!

"Ruby, come on its 10:30", she groans and I hold in a laugh,

"Ruuuubyyyy", she groans again and I get the pot and wooden spoon,

"GEEEET UUUUP RUUUBYYYY, ITS MORNING TIME LETS GO", I scream at the top of my lungs and she turns over and gives me a death glare,

"fuck OFF", I laugh and start jumping on her bed,

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!", I can tell she's holding in a laugh and in the end she starts to laugh,

"alright let me go have a shower", she gets up and I leave the room laughing. I go back downstairs and start to cook breakfast, as I cook breakfast Natalie by Bruno Mars comes on and of course I song along,

Natalie! She ran away with all my money,

And she did it for fun,

Natalie! she's probably out there thinkin' it's funny,

Tellin' everyone,

Well I'm diggin' a ditch for this gold diggin' bitch,

My child she's quick, look out for a pretty little thing,

Natalie! if you see her tell her I'm comin', she better run!

I kept singing along to the song when I heard clapping coming from the door,

"and I got all of that on video", she smirked and I blushed,

"Ruby please don't put that on YouTube, you know I have stage fright", ever since I was 9 I've had massive stage fright, I'd see all the people and zone out,

"JJ, I'm not that much of a bitch", we laugh and both sit down to have breakfast,

"so watcha gonna do about Lou?", I asked taking a bite out of my toast,

"I dunno, I'm gonna go over and talk to him today", she said munching away, then one thing came to my mind, should I tell her that I knew all along? well it is best to tell the truth,

"Ruby, I need to tell you something",

"go for it",

"well, I sorta know why Lou was acting all weird when you got out of hospital",

"you do, what was wrong with him?",

"well, he sorta told me that he'd fallen for you", she drops her toast on the plate and I start to get scared,

"he told you what?", she said trying to hold her anger in,

"Ruby I'm sorry I-",


"he told me not to tell you since he was scared you wouldn't like him back", I was really scared now, I've never seen her this angry,


"of course I trust you, its just I promised Lou that I wouldn't tell you, he was scared",

"that's just great, JUST GREAT, things are being said behind my back ONCE AGAIN AND ITS ABOUT MY LOVE LIFE",

"please calm down", I said grabbing her hand,

"DONT TOUCH ME, I'M OUTTA HERE!", tears built in my eyes and she immediately ran upstairs and got her stuff,

"don't call me", she slammed the front door behind her and I sat at the table crying, I really didn't mean to get her this upset.

Ruby's POV

I walked out of the house not giving a shit if it was raining, I was so pissed right now, my own best friend kept the biggest secret ever and it was about my love life! I walked to Lou's house, drenched but honestly, I didn't give a shit! I went up to the door and banged on it hard, Lou answered it with a massive smile on his face,

"hey Rubs",

"can I come in for a second?", I walk passed Lou and walked into the living room and turned around and faced him,

"did you tell Jamila that you liked me?", his face went a bright red,

"yeah but the only reason was because I was too scared to tell you in case you didn't like me back", instantly my heart broke into a million pieces, who wouldn't love a sweet and caring guy like Lou?

"sweety I've liked you since day one", I say grabbing his hands,

"really?!", he asks getting excited,

"of course, you were a dream", he smiles and I let out a giggle,

"Ruby, will you be mine?", I was stunned, for years I'd liked Lou and now on this very day he was asking me to be his!

"of course I will!", I jump into his arms and kiss him passionately,

"wait, I thought you were staying at JJ's?", he says confused,

"we had a fight since she knew about how you felt about me and kept it from me, she knew how I felt about you", he frowned and so did I,

"she just didn't want to hurt any of us", I really didn't want to talk about Jamila at the moment, she's hurt me and felt like that she doesn't trust me anymore,

"anyway lets not talk about that", I say changing the subject,

"you wanna watch a movie with me?", asked Lou, I nodded and followed him to the living room, he both cuddled each other on the couch which is something I'd wanted to do for ages.

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