Saying goodbye

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Jamila's POV

A week had passed and it was the day of my Dad's funeral. Everyone had found out about his death the day he died, they kept telling me we're here for you and you can talk to us anytime, but all I really wanted was my Mum and Dad. I was staying at Niall's house that week since he thought if I was on my own I'd get too lonely and upset. It was that morning and I was getting ready, I was wearing a black short sleeved fleece dress, my black tights, my high black shoes and had my hair curled, I put on the locket Niall gave me and walked out of the room. My stomach churned and I felt my face go pale, I wasn't ready for today, not at this age. I walked into the living room to find Niall in a black suit,

"hey", he mumbled,

"hey", I mumbled back, he walked over to me and hugged me tight,

"if you need to cry do it, I'm right here", I let a tear fall down my face and Niall quickly wiped it away,

"your Mum and Dad would be so proud of you for being so strong", he said playing with my hair,

"really?", I asked confused,

"of course, going through all of this is the unimaginable, they would be looking down on you today and feeling proud of their daughter", another tear slipped down my cheek and again Niall wiped it away,

"we better go, the service is in 15 minutes", I say quietly, Niall grips my hand and we both walk out to the car. The car ride to the church was quiet, since our little moment last week it still has been awkward but Niall has supported me a lot. We got to the church and everyone was waiting for us, it was hard not having any of my family here since they were all back in Australia, it was just the boys and girls, their families and people my Dad worked with, everyone came over to Niall and I and hugged me,

"you're so brave Jamila", commented Harry, I gave him a small smile and he hugged me. We all stood around talking for a few minutes when the priest came out,

"Miss Darmell, we're ready for you to come in", I nodded and Niall took my hand and gripped it tightly. We all went in to the church and I immediately started crying, seeing the coffin and knowing my Dad was in there was a scary thought. Everyone sat down and the priest stood up in the podium,

"dearly beloved, today we are here to remember the life of Alan Darmell, although he is with god now, he is still watching down on us, especially his daughter, Jamila Darmell, before we start, can we all say a prayer", my god I felt like running, I couldn't handle this! but I had to be brave. It was 20 minutes into the service and I was officially having a breakdown,

"Jamila, if you'd like to come up here", asked the priest,

"you can do it", whispered Niall, I got up slowly and walked up to the podium,

"my dad sure was a character, but the good kind, he had a big heart and never let anybody walk away without being happy, especially me, he told me that, I remember him saying after my mum passed away your my everything and I'll do everything to make you happy. The best memory I shared with him is when we had a cubbyhouse back in Ireland, he used to bring his video camera out and I play instruments and sing, well practically scream, I remember him with all his qwurky clothes and music, but I found it amazing, amazing because he had the confidence on who he really was, you'll be forever in my heart Dad, look after Mum while you're up there too, and of course Max, love you heaps, I'll see you up there some day", I chocked on tears and went and kissed the coffin, everyone clapped and I let everything out. Another hour went by and it was really time to say goodbye to him, curtains were drawn around the coffin and it sunk under the floor, I cried harder and Niall hugged me tight,

"may god be with Alan", said the priest before finishing, everyone got up and left and waited outside, I then walked up to the priest and thanked him for the service,

"thank you for today, you really showed us that my Dad was loved and still will be", I say shaking the priest's hand,

"it was my pleasure", he then walked outside and talked to everyone else, as I was about to walk out Niall's mum Maura rushed up to me crying,

"god Jamila I'm so sorry, whenever you need me, call me, even if its 2am", I cried into her shoulder and she stroked my hair,

"thank you Maura", I said wiping my eyes,

"would you like to come and stay with Bob and?", she asked wiping my eyes with a tissue,

"no I'm gonna head home", I said quietly,

"give me a call okay?", I nodded and she quickly ran off to see her husband,

"you ready to go?", asked Niall,

"can I go to your house and pick up all my stuff, I'm gonna go home",

"but Jamila-",

"Niall please, I need some time to myself", he nodded slowly and he left the church, I turned around one more time and blew the unseen coffin a kiss. We got outside and all of my friends came up to me,

"call whenever you want", said Ruby hugging me, god I was so sick of that line! I hugged everyone else and walked to the car with Niall. The car ride was awkward, I really didn't feel like talking and I could tell Niall had no idea what to say. We arrived at his house and I nearly jumped out of the car,

"I wont be long", I said unbuckling my seatbelt,

"take your time", I ran into the house and picked up my packed suitcase, Nialler and all his puppy stuff, I ran out to the car and put everything in the backseat,

"right lets go", said Niall slightly smiling. Well we had another awkward car ride but I couldn't give a rats ass! We arrived at my house and Niall quickly grabbed my arm,

"I know you've heard it a million times but call of you need me", suddenly he leans in and kisses me, it was magical just like how it felt last week,

"thanks Niall", I give him a hug and quickly collect all my stuff, I run inside and plonk everything in the hallway, life was so hard at the moment, all my family were back in Australia, my Mum and Dad were gone and all I wanted was at least one family member by my side! I looked at all my suitcases and then immediately grabbed another one, I packed every single piece of clothing in there, I then ran into the bathroom and got all my toiletries and put it in a bag, finally I grabbed photos of my mum, chargers, laptop, camera, phone and packed all of Nialler's stuff, nothing was left for me to pack. Finally I got out my phone and dialed the airport,

"yes hello I'd like to book a one way flight to Melbourne, Australia and I have a pet too take to",

"okay we have a plane that leaves in 2 hours", answered the receptionist,

"thank you very much, bye", I hung up the phone then called a taxi. I finished and started to cry again, I knelt down beside Nialler who licked my face,

"we're going to Australia Nialler, how does that sound?", he barked and I stroked him, I realised that in the next couple of days that everyone will be looking for me so I left a note for Niall and quickly raced upstairs and put it on my bed. Perfect timing because the taxi arrived, I picked up as much as I could and the driver helped me. When everything was in the boot, I sat in the backseat and cuddled Nialler,

"where to?", he asked,

"airport please", he gave me a smile in the rear mirror and started the car, I looked back on my house and let a tear slide down my face, goodbye London......

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