I'll drink to that

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Jamila's POV

It's been 2 months since Ruby's accident, she is on crutches but she seems a lot happier! Liam and Brooke are now officialy a couple, they told us the day Ruby came home, thank God they told us or I would've got it out of them, they were really happy together which was the main point and I was definatly happy for them! Lou still feels the same way about Ruby since he's way too scared to tell her just like Ruby is with him, it's funny 'cause they like eachother but they don't know it.

It was March 17th, St Patrick's day, I was doing nothing as usual, Niall was going out with a few old friends from school, my dad was going out with his friends but I really didn't mind. I curled up on the couch and got The Breakfast Club, The Conjuring and Scary Movie I out followed by a bowl of popcorn and a small packet of chips out, I put The Conjuring on holding my pillow tight, it was all quiet and it was about to get to a scary part when my phone rang, of course I shit myself,

"heeey", chorused Ruby,

"sup hoppy", I called her that since she hopped around on her foot most of the time,

"Happy St Patricks day btw", she said happily,

"thanks Rub", I said laughing,

"what's my little Irish girl up to?", she asked all giddy,

"ugh Ruby you know I'm Australian", I huff but she laughs,

"well your dad's Irish so technically you are a little Irish girl", yes in case you didn't know my mum was Australian and my dad's Irish,

"okay okay you win", I laugh,

"sooooooo watcha doin?", she slurred, this didn't sound like Ruby at all,

"Ruby are you drinking?", she giggles again and I laugh,

"well it is St Patrick's day, come over and have a drink", she sounds excited on the other end of the phone,

"Ruby you know I don't like to drink", I whined,

"awww just one weenie drink?", she pleads into the phone,

"fine, just one", she cheers on the other end of the phone and I laugh,

"I'll be there in 10", she chuckles and I laugh once again,

"toodles", wow she really is drunk, she hates that word! I went upstairs and put on a green dress with a gold belt and black leggines with some high heel black boots, I brushed out the knots in my hair and added the usual makeup and was done, I headed downstairs and grabbed my phone and keys and went to my car.

I arrived at Ruby's place and heard music coming from the backyard, I went to the fence and found her out the back with the girls, Lou, Liam, Harry and Zayn,

"oh my God she's here!", Brooke slurred, oh god they were all drunk,

"awwwwww she's even got a pretty green dress on", cooed Ruby, I laughed and sat down next to her,

"where's your parents?", I ask her,

"they *hiccup* went away for the weekend, so the house is all mine",

"WE CAN TRASH IT!", screamed Lou,

"c'mon JJ go get a beer", cheered Harry, I went over to the eski and grabbed one, I really didn't like to drink but it was a special occasion,

"where's little Irish boy?", smiles Zayn,

"he went out with a few of his old school friends", I answered then taking a sip of my beer,

"ah go and give him a call", said Liam placing Brooke on his lap,

"no he needs to spend time other his friends", I defended,

"we are his friends", slurred Emily,

"yeeaaaaahhhh", dragged on Sunny, I laughed at her and got comfortable. The night progressed and I was only drinking Coke now and the rest were still going on beer, they were all extremely drunk by now, Harry had bumped into a closed door twice, Emily and Sunny were pole dancing on the clothes line and Brooke and Liam were making out full on,

"hey YOU, YEAH YOU JJ", yelled Lou, I laughed and turned my head,


"go join Sunny and Emily and have some fun", I blushed and he laughed then me also letting out a laugh,

"uh I don't think so, I think I'm gonna head off", I said getting to my feet,

"aw come on Jamila it's just getting interesting, look", Harry points to the clothes line and Emily is climbing the clothes line, everyone laughs and cheers,

"now I'm definitely leaving", I laugh,

"okay JJ, BYEEEEEEEEE!", slurs Zayn, I look back on everyone and randomly everyone starts singing Friday by Rebecca Black, I chuckle and head to my car, I hop in and head on home to continue my movie Marathon. I pull into my driveway and quickly go inside and putting my PJ's on and cuddling into the couch, this was heaven to me, curling up watching movies not worrying about anything.

I finished all the movies and looked at the time, 2:05, wow I really got carried away, I was just about to go to bed when there was a knock at the door, I went and opened it and it was Niall,

"JJ HEEEEEEEY", oh gees he was drunk too, was I the only one sober tonight? oh wait I can already answer that, YES!

"oh Niall what've you done to yourself, you're hammered", he laughs and flips his hair, I laugh because he always does that when he's drunk,

"I uhhhh just went out with ma buds, that's all", he nearly falls but I catch him,

"come one you, you can stay here for the night", I put my arms on his shoulders and he smiles,

"ah you're good to your old Nialler aren't you?", he ruffles my hair and I giggle, we slowly go up the stairs and he starts singing Irish songs, I get him to the spare bedroom and he collapses onto the bed,

"hey JJ, did ya know I was drunk", I chuckle and so does he,

"of course I did Nialler", I help him take his shoes off and he crawls into bed,

"thanks JJ, nighty night", he winks,

"night Niall", I close the door over and head to my bed, I crawl into bed and let sleep take over my body slowly, it's been a long day.

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