Coming back

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Jamila's POV

I sat on the come couch with Niall by my side letting tears go down my face,

"I really didn't mean to make her upset", I said to Niall, it had been 2 days since she stormed out of the house,

"this isn't your fault, she just must have been a bit moody", Niall comforted me while I continued to cry,

"do you think she hates me?",

"of course not, she just might need a bit of space, she'd be lost without you", I smiled and felt a flush go through me, true friend or love? WHICH ONE?!

"c'mon JJ, let's watch a movie", he takes my hand and we walk over to the couch and I sit down while he chooses the movie,

"what about horror?", he asks,

"not in the mood",


"fuck no, definitely not in the mood for that!",

"MISS DARMELL! its not lady like to swear", I laugh and so does he,

"what about Romance?", I ask him, I was really in the mood for that!

"ugh Jamilaaaaa, you know I hate Romance!",

"oh come on, the night you came back from tour he watched horror", I gave him my puppy face as best as I could since I know it annoys the hell out of him,

"Jamila, you know that face makes me feel guilty", I continue and then he groans,

"FIIIIIINE!", I smile and he puts in Titanic. As we watched the movie he complains about EVERYTHING, 'why would you stand on the edge of a ship? you could fall', 'oooo they have no idea that iceberg's coming, may as well jump off now', 'why do they have first, second and third class? that's lame!'. It got to the bit when Rose was getting the portrait done and Niall's eyes widen immediately,

"who gets naked and gets a portrait done? she'd be freezing and its not natural!", I laugh and he looks at me like I'm mad,

"JJ how would you feel if you just decided 'hey lets pop out my boobs and get a portrait done', huh?", I immediately fell off the couch and burst into a laughing fit and I heard Niall chuckle too,

"I think we should put something else on", complained Niall,

"ah ah, I sat down and watched your movie and now you're gonna watch mine", he huffs and gets comfortable again. It gets to the last scene and I start crying,

"now why would she let go?", said Niall complaining once again,

"its sad Niall, they loved each other and now he's gone", Niall looked at me while I continued to cry,

"well that will never happen to us, we're too lucky, and- THANK GOD ITS FINISHED!", he got up and did a little dance while the subtitles were on, I laughed once again until I heard the doorbell go,

"its 10 at night, who'd come this late?", I went over to the door ams opened it and was shocked, it was Ruby,

"hey", I mumbled, she collapsed into my arms and cried,

"IM SO SORRY", she kept crying and I hugged her tight,

"come inside", I put my arms around her while she continued to cry, I brought her into the living and Niall sprung to his feet,

"oh my god, what happened?", he asked, I shrugged which meant 'I have no idea'. We all sat down on the couch while Ruby still continued to cry,

"Ruby what's wrong?", I ask her worried,

"well I've been thinking about our fight and realized that I was being a bitch, I never should've over reacted, I should've realize that you were trying to look out for me, I'm so so sorry", a tear fell down her face, wow this fight must've really affected her,

"I'm sorry too, let's forget about it, okay?", she nods and I hug her tight, she looks at me and smiles and hugs,

"well, I have some news", said Niall getting up from the couch,

"I watched Titanic for the very first time", oh god!

"and I really didn't approve of it, first, who stands on the edge of a boat, you're could slip and die, second, why would they have first, second and third class? that's just rubbish and lastly, who takes all their clothes off for a portrait when the boat is in a place full of ice? I did have a favourite bit thought, when the subtitles came up at the end", Ruby and I just had a massive laughing fit while Niall still complained about the movie. She stayed for an hour then decided to go home,

"well I better get going", said Ruby getting up off the couch,

"I'll give you a lift home", offered Niall,

"but before I go, I'm just gonna give a little warning to Jamila", Niall cups my face and I blush and laugh,

"if we ever watch that movie again, I'm gonna smash a window", I laugh and then he hugs me,

"call if you need anything", reminded Niall, I gave Ruby a hug and said my goodbyes and they were both gone. I went into the living room and turned the lights off and then the kitchen, it hadn't even been 5 minutes since Niall and Ruby left and there was a knock at the door, Ruby or Niall must've left something behind, I went to get it and I felt like being sick, I felt my face go pale and gasped,


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