Party Time

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Jamila's POV

WE DID IT! Jacob was in jail and had no way of hurting us! I was in the car with Niall and Ruby who were both laughing away,

"did you see his face when he got the sentence?!", laughed Ruby, we all laughed and Ruby was in thback crying,

"we should've got that on camera!", said Niall loudly, we all started to laugh again and eventually arrived at my house, it was only the 3 of us since everyone else went to get food and drinks. We went inside and into the living room, I kicked my shoes off and collapsed on the couch,

"I hope he dies in jail", I quoted,

"we all do JJ", said Niall going through the fridge. Ruby came down and sat down on the couch next to me,

"I'm gonna get so hammered today that I couldn't give a shit!", said Ruby, she laughed and Niall came back with some sort of sandwich,

"hey can I get some of my spare clothes and put them on?", asked Ruby,

"of course", I had 10 different types of clothes at this house, mine and everyone else's!

"yeah me too", said Niall with a mouthful of food,

"of course, I'm gonna go get changed too, we all went upstairs and took a bedroom each. I went to my wardrobe and picked out some short denim shorts with a white singlet and a fluro yellow cincreased top over the top added by my red vans. I fixed my hair and was done, I met Ruby in the hallway who was wearing denim shorts, a princess bubble gum top with purple converse boots, then Niall came out in black jeans, his white Nikes and a tank top, just then the doorbell rang,

"perfect timing, LETS PARTY!", cheered Ruby. I answered the door and answered it with a massive grin on my face,

"we got DRINKS!", cheered Lou,

"AND YOU GOT FOOD!", cheered Niall, we all laughed and took everything out the back. I was so happy sitting back with my best friends over some dumb ass going to jail,

"remember when he ACTUALLY tried to prove he was inicent", laughed Harry, we all laughed,

"and when Niall nearly kicked his ass", added Sunny, we all cracked up laughing and spilt food and drink everywhere,

"dumb ass", answered Brooke. We all kept laughing away for the next few hours and by then everyone was drunk, except me AGAIN!

"why did the chicken cross the road?", hiccuped Niall,

"I didn't think he'd make it", slurred Liam, they both laughed and nearly shit themselves,

"why did Liam and Brooke disappear?", asked Emily,

"why?", asked Zayn,

"TO HAVE SEX!", everyone cracked up laughing even Brooke and Liam,

"use protection ducklings", added Emily, everyone wiped the tears away from their eyes and tried to stop laughing,

"this is what would happen, Harry get up here", said Niall pulling Harry's arm, Niall wrapped his arms around Harry and lifted his leg up,

"oh Liam, I love you so much! lets have babies", said Niall in a girly voice, I fell off my chair and laughed like there was no tomorrow!

"OH MY GOD LIAM, I LOVE YOU TOO!", screamed Harry, we all laughed again while Niall and Harry pretended to kiss,

"oh god Niall I think you just killed me", said Sunny still laughing,

"hey where did red hair and Tommo go?", asked Liam,

"I'll go find them", I offered, I got up out of my seat and climbed up the stairs,

"Lou, Ruby?", I walked down the hallway and heard groaning coming from one of the spare bedrooms, I ran to the third bedroom and opened the door to the most horrific sight ever!

"OH GOD!", I screamed, Ruby and Louis crawled off each other and under the doona, THEY WERE HAVING SEX IN MY HOUSE! Ruby blushed like mad and so did Lou,

"please don't tell anyone!", panicked Ruby, I quickly walked out and slammed the door loudly, I put my back on the wall and ran my hands through my hair, I just saw my two bestest friends have sex! That will never get out of my head! I walked back to the garden and sat down,

"you alright JJ? You look a bit pale", commented Niall then hicupping,

"yeah I'm fine", I smiled, just then Lou and Ruby came back, grabbed a drink and chugged it down,

"WOAH what's wrong with you two?", asked Brooke,

"we're just having a drink, DUH!", slurred Ruby, aaaaand they were drunk again. More time went by and it was 3 in the morning,

"alright guys, lets go to bed", I announced,

"party pooper", said Niall throwing a chip at me, I laughed and everyone got up,

"lets all go to", Lou stopped and ran over to the grass and threw up, I ran over and rubbed his back gently,

"you okay?", I ask,

"YEEEEAAAAAH!" he slurred loudly, I put my arms around his shoulders and waist and took him to the couch,

"Superman's ti-", immediately he fell asleep and started to snore, I looked over and saw Liam crashed out on the other couch,

"right, the rest of you, upstairs", they all stumbled up and went to their bedrooms,

"the mattresses are set up in the spare rooms, Niall where are you gonna sleep?",

"with you chicken!", he said patting my head, I giggled and directed him to my bedroom, he crawled in and) immediately fell asleep, I stroked the hair out of his eyes and smiled then thought, I wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow?

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