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Niall's POV

We were in the back of the ambulance when Jamila drifted off, she was finally at peace from that bastard!

"you okay?", asks Alan,

"just thinking, you okay?"?

"I can tell you now I'm pissed about this 'Jacob' boy, why would he do it to someone so innocent", I nodded and he patted me on the back,

"you're a good friend Niall, she'd be lost without you" I smiled and looked down on Jamila, for some reason she looked, perfect? Not with all the scars and bruises, but her face glowed with her brown hair in her face and her pink lips perfectly.

"you alright Niall? you look a bit zoned out",

"oh yeah I'm fine", I look down at Jamila and smile due to the fact she was now safe.

Ruby's POV

"Lou step on it, PLEASE?", I was all over the place now, I'd gotten a text from Niall saying that she had fallen asleep, THAT COULD MEAN ANYTHING!

"it'll be fine, trust me", reasured Lou,

"I'm sorry, when something happens to Jamila I panic, she can't handle these thought of things and since its happened to her, she's gonna panic", Lou gave me a sympathetic smile and put his hand on thigh,

"we're all here for her, we'll always help her", he lifted my hand and kissed it,

"I love you Lou",

"I love you too". The rest of the car ride was quiet, as soon as we got to the hospital, I ran, I ran to the hospital room and bardged into her room, everyone was in there while she slept quietly,

"is she okay?", I ask walking over to her,

"she's fine, she just fell asleep", answered Alan, I walk over to Niall who was standing next to Alan who was sitting in a chair next to her holding her hand, a tear ran down my face, I'd hate if anything bad happened to Jamila, Alan's already lost Jamila's Mum, he doesn't have to loose Jamila too.

"are you okay Niall?", I ask,

"just in a bit of shock", I could see he was holding back the tears but he didn't for long, he burst into tears and I held him tight,

"its okay Niall, let it all out", he continued to cry while everyone stayed silent, just watching Jamila. An hour went by and she was still asleep, we were waiting for the doctor when he finally came in,

"hello, my name is Dr Brett, I was just doing a few tests on Jamila",

"is she okay?", asked Niall,

"she has got some cuts which will leave marks, she's got a dislocated shoulder and some bruises but she's not in a coma or in any sort of danger", we all sigh in relief,

"will she wake up soon?", I asked,

"we're not quite sure but it should be soon",

"thank you so much doctor", thanked Alan, the doctor left the room and we all sat back down,

"I remember when Jamila was 5 or 6 and she went through a time of loving Snow White", said Alan chuckling at the thought,

"oh I remember that, she'd always wear her costume and run around the house singing Whistle While You Work", answered Niall,

"I remember when we first met and I asked her, "what's colour's your toilet", I said laughing,

"yeah and when the boys and I.met her she had a crush on Liam", said Louis evilly, Brooke sat their for a second and gave Louis a glare but laughed after,

"she did?", asked Liam,

"yeah she told me", said Lou,

"oh god remember the song she made up", laughed Sunny, we all cracked up laughing,

"about her and Niall", laughed Emily,

"I have a best friend, he never leaves my side, I have a best friend, he is so cool", I started to sing and so did everyone else,

"Yeah my best frieeeeeend, is a chickeeeeeen, bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk, cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep, my best friend is a chickeeeeeen, and if you have a problem with that I'll beat you WITH A BASEBALL BAT!", (real song I made up btw) we all crack up laughing,

"god she's a funny girl", commented Zayn,

"and mischievous", quoted Harry,

"oh god remember when she snuck into all of our rooms and did our hair and nails with Niall", we all laugh and Niall just laughs his head off,

"it was hilarious", he said catching his breath,

"I know it was", we turn around to find Jamila smiling on the bed.

Niall's POV

"It was hilarious", I said still laughing,

"I know it was, my heart fluttered when I realized it was Jamila, we all raced over and hugged her tight,

"god I'm so glad you're out of that house", I say stroking hair out of her eye,

"I sure damn am I'm out", we all laugh,

"when did you wake up?", asked Ruby,

"when you started singing my song", we laughed and she just shook her head smiling,

"I'm sorry but all of you are going to have to leave, visiting hours are finished", smiled a nurse, we all tried to beg the nurse if we could stay but we couldn't so we all said our goodbyes,

"be safe okay, we'll be back tomorrow, and call us if you need us",

"I thought he was supposed to be my dad", she laughed and I hugged  her again, we all waved goodbye and walked out of the room, I thought to back when she woke up, when she did my heart never bested so fast and when I hugged her I felt nervous, I think I like Jamila.

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