Sparks fly

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Jamila's POV

"where did Lou and Ruby go?" I ask taking a sip of my water,

"probably making out"? joked Zayn, we all laughed and they came in smiling, in fact they looked, giddish?

"is everything okay?", I ask,

"yeah why?", smiled Ruby, Ruby smiled at Lou and he smiled back, uh okay?

"so birthday girl, watcha get for your birthday?", asked Liam,

"clothes, makeup, shoes, all that sort of stuff",

"BOOORRRING", screamed the boys at the same time, I slapped Niall's arm playfully,

"we're in a restaurant, not at a football game", he laughs and hugs me,

"awww I'm sorry JJ", he pouts and I laugh, he kept looking at me with his big blue eyes which sparkled in the light, he turned his head to the side making his golden hair fall on his perfect shaped face, GOD DAMN IT WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!

"alright, I forgive you", he cheers quietly, I pick up my glass of water and chug with whole glass down, for some reason I started to feel nervous,

"woah you okay there JJ, you drank that water like a shot", laughed Brooke, I laugh nervously and we all

continue to talk.

The night progressed and it was closing time,

"guys I just wanna say that this was absolutely amazing and I had the best time, thank you", we all cheered for her and had a group hug,

"anything for our bestie!", said Lou happily, we said our goodbyes and very carefully I watched Lou and Ruby, just a hug, but then they smile at each other, their definitely hiding something, I went over to Niall and said my goodbyes,

"you okay? you've been a bit jumpy tonight", asked Niall,

"yeah I'm fine, honestly", I smile and he hugs me,

"call if you need me", I felt a warm sensation go through me as he hugged me, this just gets weirder as the night goes on,

"come on birthday girl let's get you home", I smiled, I said goodbye to everyone and we head out to the car, Ruby in the front and Sunny in the back. We all listened to music until we got to Sunny's house,

"thanks again guys, I really appreciate it",

"no prob birthday girl", smiled Ruby, Sunny ran up the steps and I started the car,

"right you, I'm gonna drop you off at your house so you can pack an over night bag and your gonna have a sleepover at mine", I was gonna get the truth out of her and I didn't care how long it took me,

"Jamila are you okay?", she looked at me worried,

"you're not in trouble don't worry", she smiled nervously and we headed off to her house. The car ride was awkward, REALLY awkward! When we got to a traffic light she looked at her phone and giggled,

"who's texting you?", I asked curiously,

"oh, just my mum", liar. We got to her house and I swear I heard her gulp,

"okay, be quick", she got out of the car and quickly walked into her house, while I waited for her I decided to go on my phone, I turned it on and found a text from Niall,

Nialler :)

You okay? where are you?


Just waiting for Ruby to pick a few things up for a sleepover :)

Nialler :)

Okay, be safe :)

I loved he always looked out for me, he truely was my best friend! As I smiled at our messages Ruby got in the car with her bag,

"okay, let's go", I started the car again and we went to my house. We arrived in the next few minutes and I could see Ruby get nervous. We got inside and I automatically threw my keys on the couch making Ruby jump,

"spill it", I said making her look confused,

"what do you mean?", she said laughing nervously,

"I saw you and Lou tonight, laughing and smiling and acting all giddy, what's up?", she sat down on the couch and suddenly looked scared,

"Ruby, come on we promised we'd tell each other everything", she looked up at me and sighed,

"promise you won't tell ANYONE",

"I swear on my life", she blushed and sighed again,

"I kissed Lou", I looked at her with wide eyes and smiled,

"oh my god", I said smiling,

"he just automatically kissed me and told me he loved me", she finally did it, she conquered her greatest dream ever,

"you don't know how happy I am for you", I said hugging her,

"one thing though, what was with you tonight? is everything okay?", I froze on the spot, shit she noticed!

"yeah it was really warm in there, that's all",

"what are you, going through menopause?", we both laughed,

"I'm gonna head to bed", I said yawning,

"yeah me too", we both got up and headed upstairs and going to our bedroom,

"night JJ",

"night Mrs Tomlinson", I laughed and turned around to find Ruby's middle finger up behind her back, I laugh and head into my bedroom. I change into my PJ's and slip into my bed, I think about tonight, I think about Niall which brings a smile to my face, could I really be falling for Niall or just feeling close to him?

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