Together again

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Zayn's POV.

I was sitting on the couch with Lou on my right side, trying to cheer himself up,

"Zayn, can you keep a secret?",

"sure man", I turned my body and he began to talk,

"well, I was at the hospital yesterday and I realised, I think I might like Ruby, it just came over me", I looked at him and smiled,

"wow, that's new", I chuckled,

"the only thing I'd love to know is does she like me back?", Lou grew sad eyes and I grabbed his shoulder,

"I'm not trying to make this worse but, even if she did like you she wouldn't tell, you, me or anyone else, she'd tell Jamila", he nodded and took it the way it should be taken, I felt really sorry for him, he didn't deserve to go through any of this, none of us did. Suddenly Lou's phone rang,


"oh hey JJ", there was a long pause then suddenly a massive smile went accross Lou's face,

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!", he chucked his phone on the couch and ran to get his coat,

"mate calm down, what's up?", he turned around and smiled,

"Ruby's awake", I quickly got up from the couch and we both raced to his car, finally after 2 months, she was awake.

Ruby's POV.

Emily, Sunny and Brooke ran to my side, tears in their eyes,

"oh my God Ruby we thought you were dead!", panicked Sunny, Emily and Brooke continued to cry and I just laughed,

"I'm so sorry you have to witness this Niall", he cracked up laughing and so did Jamila,

"guys seriously, I'm here, not dead so stop fricken crying!", Jamila, Sunny and Niall shit themselves and Emily and Brooke laughed/cried,

"we're just happy to see you", sniffled Emily,

"anyone got any tissues?", asked Brooke, we all laughed and then entering the room was Liam and Harry, they rushed over to the best and hugged me tight,

"oh my god Ruby you're okay", sighed Liam relieved,

"my god you gave us the fright of our lives that day", said Harry,

"hey where's Lou and Zayn?", asks Jamila,

"he's probably on his way", smiled Niall, suddenly Lou comes bursting through the door with Zayn behind him, he runs to me and hugs me like I was gonna die or something, the weirdest thing was I felt a tear fall onto my shoulder, wow that was weird, usaully he'd just give me a bro hug, he looked back at me with red eyes but quickly wiping them with the back of his hand,

"I never should've suggested the pool, this was all my fault", my heart fluttered, what was up with him today though? I looked over at Jamila but she was looking at Lou with a weird look, thank god I'm not the only one who sees the new Lou,

"Lou it wasn't your fault, I saw my ex and he wanted to get me back, it was my fault to go to the toilet", he looked at me and smiled,

"oi! let me give red head a hug", interuppted Zayn, he came over and hugged me,

"well its awesome to have go back!", smiled Niall,

"how long was asleep for?", I bet I was going to get a bunch of sacrcasm like 'a thousand years' or 'forever',

"nearly 3 months", answered Jamila, wow I wish I could do that! We all continued to talk when the doctor came in....

Jamila's POV.

"it was sooooooo quiet without you", laughed Sunny, we all laughed until the Dr Lloyd came in,

"its fantastic to see you awake Ruby", we all smiled including Ruby,

"now tomorrow, unfortunately you'll have to get up and get used to the feeling of moving your legs around",

"how much longer will I be in hospital for?", asked Ruby,

"another 2 weeks but time will fly and you'll be home in no time, again its great to see you awake, I'll check up on you a bit later", she walked out of the room and Ruby frowned,

"but I don't wanna get up!", we all laughed and continued to talk.

Visiting hours had finished and we all had to leave,

"I'll come in tomorrow, okay?", I said hugging her, she nodded and she gave everyone else a hug, we were all about to leave when I walked up to Lou,

"we need to talk", I grabbed his wrist and took him somewhere private,

"what were all those tears before?", I asked curiously,

"promise you wont tell anyone this?", he begged,

"cross my heart", he smiled,

"Jamila, I think I love Ruby".

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