Family days

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Niall's POV (yaaay finally)

I was fast asleep when I was woken up by sobbing, I sat up quickly and found Jamila crying into her knees,

"oh my god Jamila, what happened!?", I asked rushing to her side,

"another dream", she sniffled, I took her in my arms while she trembled,

"its all over now, I promise", she atopped and looked at me with her red swollen eyes,

"Niall, why did this have to happen to me, I did nothing wrong, did I?", suddenly I felt a tear go down my face,

"absolutely not, this was just a misfortune that didn't be put on you", she wiped her eyes and looked at me again,

"I wish I could see her one more time, tell her how much I love her", she said looking down,

"I know love, but you have all those sweet memories of her, we both do", I continued to rock her in my arms until her phone rang, she scurried out of my arms and went to answer,


"hey dad!",

"yeah Niall's home, why?",

"yeah that should be fine, he'd like that",

"around 1ish?",

"okay, see you then, bye!", she hung up the phone and I saw jer sweet smile again,

"dad wants us to come over", she told me,

"oh awesome, lets go make some breakfast", I smiled, I knew seeing her dad made her happy since that was all she had, all of her family were back in Australia and she hadn't seen them in years, she only spoke to them over the phone,



"thanks", I smiled and she headed in to have a shower.

Ruby's POV.


"jesus are those two having sex up there or something", asked Lou,

"I know right, I think they're more than best friends", smirked Harry, we all laughed until we saw them come downstairs,

"oh look who it is", I smirked,

"the sex I mean BEST friends", all of us burst out laughing but Niall and Jamila blushed,

"you really thought we were having sex?", asked Jamila,

"SEARCH THEM!", instructed Emily, we all looked at their arms, necks and legs to see if they had any


"well none of them are limping", said Zayn,

"oh shut up", whined Jamila,

"so what are we all up to today?", I asked,

"Niall and I are gonna go see my dad", smiles Niall, I smile back and look into her eyes, insercurity, thats what I could see, I know she needed her mother at this time,

"well we'll be waiting right here", smiled Liam, she smiled back and then exited the room.

Jamila's POV.

It was one of those days, one of those days that I just wanted the family to all be here, I walked up to window sill and looked out,

"god I miss you mum", I said to thin air, I then walked over to a photo of her and looked at it, it was me and here when I was 1, I carefully placed it down and started to get ready, I went to my wardrobe and picked out some clothes, I put my grey top on with some black legines and some cheetah printed ballet flats, I then added some Foundation and mascara and was ready to roll. I hopped downstairs to find Niall waiting for me,

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