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Me: Hi!! I just got my phone back ;)
Corbyn: cool!!
Corbyn: wanna meet me at the park tomorrow at 8?
Me: Yes yes yes!!!!
Corbyn: ok then it's a plan! I gtg love you :3 <3
Me: love you too.

I smiled and hugged my phone to my chest. I had work in an hour! Ugh. I got up and decided to go in early. Better than being late I guess. I get my keys and walk out the door and get in my car. I slam the door and I get a text from Corbyn.

Corbyn: hey! Do you have work today?
Me: yes I'm headed there now
Corbyn: ok I'm on my way to. I'm going to walk this time.

I pulled out of the drive way and drove out of my neighborhood. I got another text from Corbyn. I didn't look at it. I was halfway to my workplace. I looked down at my phone then I grabbed it. I held it up by the steering wheel.

Corbyn: I'm almost there!
Corbyn: can't wait to see you.
Me: I'm driving ther-

And all I saw was the truck speeding towards me

Something Different    Corbyn Besson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now