Cold Stone

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I scooted backwards until I fell off of our bed, taking the covers with me. I pushed myself back into my metal nightstand and the green vase that was on it toppled off and shattered. I put my hands over my ears and started to scream. I felt hands on my fore arms and opened my eyes that were previously closed. Corbyn was there, pulling my hands away from my ears. I stopped screaming.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice soft and quiet. I stared at him.
"Why did you bring her here. Why. Just, why?" I asked.
"What are you talking about. Who is her?" He asked. He looked confused. I stood back up and looked in the doorway. My mother no longer stood there. Only a worried Corbyn is on the room with me.
"I must have imagined her. My mom was in the doorway."
"Oh." He said. "Well, you are safe now. I will never let her in. Alex wants ice cream."
I smiled at Alex who had just come running in the room  at the words ice cream.
"Ok. Let's go to cold stone." I said.

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