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"He was known as the bright and cheery boy in day care. He always wanted to help out. He will be forever in our hearts." Said his school teacher, Mrs. Bennet. She walked back to her family and I knew it was my turn to speak. I walked up to the headstone and pulled out a paper from my pocket. I un crumpled it and stared at it. My writing made no sense and to scripted, so I shoved it back into my pocket and swallowed the lump in my throat.
"Alex, my sweet boy. He was so, beautiful. His eyes bluer than the ocean. His smile sweeter than candy. His hair softer than a kitten. There are no words to describe how I feel. My son..." my voice breaks and a fresh trail of tears come flooding in. "My son was, and is, one of a kind. He didn't deserve this!" My voice breaks off, and I'm really crying hard. "And he will never, be forgotten. Never. Thank you to all the people who came to remember him.  Thank you all." I say in between sobs. The people who came today started off towards there cars. All of a sudden, Corbyn walked up to Alex's headstone.
"Wait!" He called out. Peoples heads turned and they stopped walking. "Come back. Please." They turned around and walked back, gathering in a group again. "This. This is my son! Not one of you knows how hard this is for me. I helped create him. I helped raise him. He... he should have had more time. He needs a voice and I'm going to be it. No father, or mother, should have to go through this. No father or mother. None. I remember one time. One time, he...he told me. He said, daddy? I'm gonna grow up. I'm gonna grow up and go to space. I want to go to space daddy. He wanted to go to space! But he's just... he's the opposite of space. He can't go to space because of the ignorance of one anonymous individual who didn't care. That one person made it so that... so that my little boy couldn't go to space. He can't go to space..." his voice trailed off and he sank to the ground sobbing. I walked over to him and hugged him. I let him sit there and just miss Alex. To just sit there and miss him.

Something Different    Corbyn Besson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now