Aries: Crossing state lines with a duck on the top of your head. (Minnesota)
Taurus: Stepping on money. (Thailand)
Gemini: Going to bed without taking a bath. (Massachusetts)
Cancer: If a man asks a woman to go on a date she can't refuse him. (Japan)
Leo: Whistling under water. (Vermont)
Virgo: Dressing as a clown at Halloween. (Sweden)
Libra: Borrowing a vacuum cleaner to your neighbor. (Colorado)
Scorpio: Kissing more than 5 minutes. (Kentucky)
Sagittarius: Pretending to be a witch. (Canada)
Capricorn: Frowning. (Milan)
Aquarius: Sitting on a giraffe while fishing. (Illinois)
Pisces: Taking a picture of a rabbit during the month of June. (Wyoming)
Zodiac signs for nerds
Diversosanother one of these. I really hope you enjoy! I own Nothing