Chapter 1 - Audition Day

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Today was the day. Today you auditioned for the new broadway musical, Hamilton. You knew the play writer personally, he was a childhood friend of yours and he asked you to audition for the musical. You said yes of course, how could you say no to this? (A/N: Im not sorry)

You arrived at the theater and you were greeted by Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Y/N! Im so glad you made it!" He said hugging you. "So am I Lin!" You replied. Lin lead you to a room where about forty other people stood chatting. "Wait in here and listen for your name, good luck!" Lin said to you before he left. You looked around and saw a few people you recognized, like your best friend Jazzy. "Jazzy!" You say as you make your way through the what seemed like hundreds of people to her. "Y/N! Ah, you are auditioning! That's great! Come, let me introduce you to some new friends i've made!" Jasmine said grabbing your hand as she lead you to two other women. "This is Renée and this is Phillipa!" She said releasing your hand. "Hi, it's nice to meet you im Y/N." You say holding out your hand and gave a warm smile. Renée said hello first, "Nice to meet you too! Im Ren-" Phillipa had cut her off. "It's great to meet you! Im Phillipa and this is Renée!" Renée glared at Phillipa as you, Jazzy, and Phillipa laughed.
"A new group of friends.." You thought to yourself, this was a friendship that would last for sure.

Then you heard your name being called.

(A/N: Ahhh! I was so nervous writing this because im not the best when it comes to that sort of stuff, i hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Love you!)

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