Chapter 33 - Gone Girl

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A month passed and me and Anthony barely did anything together. He was working on a movie and all he did was sing in Hamilton, and work, work and sing in Hamilton. While I was left with taking care of Phillip and cleaning. "...Anthony?" I said as I knocked on the door to the spare room, which was now his office. "Come in." I walked in and there sat a tired Anthony writing. "Wanna go out tonight? Maybe make up for last Saturday and the Saturday before that?" I said while leaning on the doorframe. Ant sighed and stood up. "Baby, Im sorry I really am but im so busy. Maybe next week?" He put his hands around my waist and kissed my lips but I just stood there. Tears welled in my eyes, I didn't kiss back so he pulled away with a concerned look on his face. "Is everything ok?" He asked. I wanted to scream but instead I said. "I just want you to get some rest, thats all..." I lied. He smiled. "Ok, how about I take Pip and we will take a nap ok?" I nodded and gave a weak smile. I ran to get Pip from his pack n' play and bounced him in my arms. I whispered in his ear. "Ill be home soon" I walked back to the office and gave Ant Phillip. "Sleep well you two." I said before closing the door. As soon as it shut I let the tears fall. I ran to the bedroom and started throwing clothes into a backpack.

Its never me. Throw.

Always work. Throw.

I only planned on leaving for a few days so he learned his lesson so I only pack light. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I zipped the backpack shut. I wrote a note explaining and left it on the counter. Phillip was old enough to eat baby oatmeal so I froze some breast milk to add to it and left the apartment. I clutched my keys as I wept softly. I walked and walked and walked. I don't know how far but I didn't recognize where I was. New York City was beautiful this time of year. I walked the lit up streets until I found a small food place to grab something. I ordered, paid, and sat down outside at a table. I ate and looked at my phone, 8:33, If im lucky he hasn't got up yet. I sighed. "Excuse me miss, is this seat taken?" A voice from behind me called. I turned around and shook my head. "Um no." I said. "May I?" The man said as he pointed at the seat. I nodded and set down my food. "Sorry, every other spot was taken. Hope im not being to rude!" He said as he gave a warm smile. "No your fine, really." I replied and smiled back. It was silent for a minute until he spoke. "Oh goodness! Where are my manners? Nathan, Nathan Sinkiwicz." He said holding out his hand. "Y/N, Y/N L/N." I said shaking Nathan's hand. We talked for a bit and I told him I was going to stay at a motel. "Your welcome to stay with me if you'd like." Well im not trying to pay so, "Really? Thank you so much." We walked to his house and he showed me to my room. "Goodnight, Y/N." He said while he closed the door. "Goodnight. Nathan." I smiled to myself and looked at my phone.

Ant's POV
I woke up to Phillip crying. "Babe." No answer. "Baaaaaabe." Is she asleep. Whatever I got this. I picked him up and opened the door to get Y/N to feed him. "Baby?" I said as I walked into the bedroom. Not there. I walked down the hall into the kitchen. "Where is she...?" I saw a piece of paper on the counter and looked at it.

My dearest, Anthony

Im sorry to say that I have left, not forever only a few days. Ive been so stressed lately and its time you do your part. Take a break.


My god. I felt tears in my eyes. How could I have been so blind?! She was so stressed but I was so busy to even notice. I quickly bottle fed Pip and then texted Y/N countless times while crying. Please answer me, please.

(Nathans my ex. Dont worry. Hes an ass.)

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