Chapter 9- Understand

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//Your POV//

I sleep on my Sleeping Bag.. And i Felt Somebody Wrapping his Arms Around My Back and His head resting on my Neck I look and It was Ohm.. I remember That We Kiss Last Night I feel my Cheeks Burn Its Like I was Blushing.. I try to get up but Ohm Hug me Tighter..Dont Leave me Ohm said I Think his Awake. Ohm i Need to Get up. I said I can Smell Breakfast Downstairs I Look around I can See Craig,Tyler and Luke on their Sleeping Bag sleeping. I think the Other Guys Are Already Downstairs. And i Can See Tyler Wrapping His Arms Around Mini (MINICAT I SHIP IT AHHAHAHAHA XD) Ohm i need to get up I said. Please I Need You Ohm Said.. I Blushed.. I can see Tyler, Craig and Luke Starting to wake Up.. Ohm please. I beg I look at Him i Can See His Blue Eyes Looking at Me I Blushed Please I know You like me Hugging You He Smirks.. I blushed. He Let go and I Starts to Get up.. We went Downstairs.. Hey Ya Sleeping Beauties! Brian said. I can see Bryce Preparing Breakfast. I grab a Plate and Get F/B (Favorite Breakfast). Soo. What Happend Last night Craig Smirks and Looking At Me and Ohm. What Do You Mean Mini? Tyler Said Confused. Well We saw Them Talking Then Kissing Last Night Craig said with a Smirk on his Face.. I was Blushing and Ohm As Well.. Yeah We did Brock Added.. Well Uhhh ummm Ohm said With A Nervous Tone.. I was Silent For The Whole Time.. I wasnt Hungry i Stand Up and All The Guys Look At me.. I Go to The Bathroom and Took a Shower..

//Ohm POV//

I look at Y/N Stand Up and Walk to The Bathroom Everybody was confused why.. I was Their Eating and Nervous at the same Time.. I didnt mean To kiss Her.. I just Cant Help It.. Its ok Ohm.. You didnt Fucked Up Bryce said Patting my Back.. Blame Me Craig said.. I look at Him He was A bit ashamed of Himself.. Why you blame yourself I said Looking at Him Confused.. I was the One Who Mention about It and I Think I shouldnt Talk about it Craig said Looking down While Tyler Putting his Arms Around His Shoulder.. Its ok Man Its not Like Shes Mad or Anything Tyler said Comforting Craig.. Yeah I think so..Craig said Guys Look she didnt eat Her Breakfast.. Luke Said.. We saw Y/N come out dressed... She walk to Bryces Room.. I stand and Put The Dishes In the Sink and Go to Bryces Room..

//Your POV//

I was Putting my PJ's back to my Bag and I Hear A Knock on the Open Door. I look And It was Ohm Nervous.. H-Hey Ohm said Worried Hey I said Calmly. Anything Wrong? He Said.. Yeah Im Fine Its just im Not Hungry I said. Do You Want to Talk About It Y/N. He sits on Bryce's Bed. I sit On The Bed as Well.. Its Just I like You Guys. But Im Not Ready to Tell Who I Really Really Like. I said Tears About to Come. I can Feel Ohm Holding My Hands. I look at Him and I see Him Smile. Its Ok I i mean We Understand.. If you dont Pick one Of us We will still be Good Friends. I smiled and Hug Him. He Hug Back. We let go from The Hug and We Go out From The Room. And Go Down To The Stairs. So You Guys Are Dating Now Luke Said its like his Jealous or something. I look down And See Our Hands Interwined to eachother I Look and Ohm Blushed and I blushed as Well. We Let Go. So That means its a No Tyler said. me and Ohm Nodded that Means Yes.. Anyway why did you walk out Y/n . Anthony Asked Oww It was Nothing I was Just Not that Hungry.. I said I Bit off (If you dont Know It means Stressed or In a Bad Mood) After i said my Sentence we hear a knock on the Door. Hey Bryce is not like your Parents Arrived Home Early Right? Craig Asked No Bryce Respond. Bryce Opened The Door and we look it was Nogla and Lui. Tyler Brock and Marcel and Craig were Suprised That They Arrived While The others and I are Confused and Suprised. Hey Bryce Can we Speak to Y/n Nogla Said. Uhhh Sure Bryce said a Bit Confused and Letting Them In..

//Nogla/David POV//(YES NOGLA HAHA)

//Before Him and Lui get to Bryce House//

So Me and Lui were Sick Of Bullying. We Keep Thinking What Marcel Said.. So David are we ready to Go and Tell her Sorry Lui said Yeah im sure of it I respond.. Me and Lui Arrived at Bryces House.. I knock On the Door. Me and Lui were Nervous. We Hear somebody Open It and It was Bryce. Me and Lui can See The Other Guys. Hey Bryce Can we speak to Y/n. I said. Uhh Sure. Bryce said Letting us In.. Me and Lui Sit On The Couch and Everybody was Sitting on the Matress while The Others Sit on the Single Couches. Look Guys We Here to Apologize You all. Lui said While Patting My Back. Especially you Y/N I said With Guilt.. I can Feel Somebody Wrap Their Arms Around My Neck I look it was Y/N I blushed.. Cause I Like Her. Shes Cute.. Its ok I forgive you guys.  Everbody Needs a Second Chance. I hug Back. Everybody Cheers. Y/N Let go and She Hug Lui As Well. She Let go. Y/N Thank You..Lui said Almost Crying Shhhhh Lui dont Cry. Y/N Said. I Understand That you didnt Mean to Hurt me.. I Make Sure to make You guys Be a Good Guys. Y/N said. LETS CALL IT A GRP HUG Bryce Yelled. I smiled GROUP HUUG Marcel shouted. All the Guys Group Hug..


David: Good

Author: Yeah i think maybe its boring

David: Hey at least ye published it so te people like te story wont whine or mad

Author: Yee your right

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