Chapter 14- Secrets?

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//AN: Hey I Know That its Been A While and Its Almost Semestrical Break (YYYYEESSS) and I need To Write two Chapters For You Guys So I hope you this chapter byezz//

//Brian's POV//

i Couldnt Belive It.. Y/n,Tyler and Craig Were Kidnap By The Assault Gang.. I said as i bang the table.. Brian calm down Brock said.. Evan we should have told her about this I said as tears falling down my eyes.. But if we told her she would be~ Evan said as i cut his sentence off. she would be what.. Scared, Not trusting Us Anymore.. EVAN look to this Situation right now SHE IS KIDNAP. I said then Walk away as Brock catching up to me.  So Brian what are we gonna do?? I ask Him, We need Luke, Ohm and Bryce we are gonna go to Nanners Base. As I wipe my tears.

//Y/N POV//

Tyler and Craig Are being Tortued And I think im The Next.. I felt sorry for Tyler and Craig.. Tyler, Craig whats going on..? I asked Them.. They look at eachother Well Y/n We are a ~~ He was cut off by two men who come near our cell.. What do you want fucktards. Tyler said.. We dont want business with you pig. were here for the girl. One hunchmen said. Then they open the cell and grab me. Dont DO ANYTHING TO HER. Craig Yelled but it was to late. Then A Girl With a Masked Joined In. What do you want from me. I said Then she respond the boss wants to talk to you. Then we arrived a Y/n take a sit. Nanners said. i sit down but i was tied up. after that the Two men leave. Except the Girl with a masked. Y/n Im gonna talk to you about. the secrets of your friends are hiding to you. he said. what is it then? i reply. They didnt tell you that there a gang even thou they are students but they are the best gang in the city to be honest they didnt tell you cause you are not brave to fight He said No they dont think of me of that. I said with a small tear in my eyes.. Nanners stand and walk around. Well why you think of that missy. He smirks. if they told you this wouldnt happend. Yeah he was right  You could have train and fight to us. but instead being hidden by their Secrets. if they treat you as a friend why didnt they tell all. of their secrets. He said. I felt Anger inside of me. They lied and Hide their Secrets from me how could they. See Y/N i dont hide my secrets to you. my secret is im a rival gang of BananabusCrew, and You know Tyler He betray us. he said. Tears were falling on my eyes. What do you say Y/N join my gang. and i will train you like a brave girl you are. He said. I will join i said well lets not tell hidden secrets from eachother ok He said then whispers. call me Adam im your boss now,. i nodded..

//Brian's POV//

Brian are you sure about this? Brock Asked. No and by the Fact That Ohm, Bryce and Luke are with Evan i should go alone I said.
You cant Do that Brian. Brock said well i made up my decision I said and Hop in my car and drive off..

//Timeskip Arrive Nanners Base//

I was Stealty Going In Nanner. Then Go to The Cells.. I Heard Wildcat and Craig's Voices. I look and It was Them but Y/n wasnt there. Wheres Y/n?? I said As I Open the gate with my weapons. Shes with Nanners i hope shes not hurt Craig said.. Go and I will be fine just go back to the base I said and go deeper to Nanner's Base. But when i was Searching for Y/n I got to counter two Women Wearing Mask one was the one i know Tyler's Sister Luna Weaing the White One.. But The Black with Rose i dont know who was it.. Hey Terroriser nice to see you Luna Said. Hi I said.. Meet our new Member She Smirks She is great at fighting you shouldnt have let her join in the First Place she Continued Lets she about it I said as I prepare to fight. Ok BlackRose You deal With Terroriser to show whos best. Luna Said. She Throw Her Throwing Knives and I Got myself cut on my face and one got hit by my arm. I groan in pain. Then i pull out of my Arm and Look at Blackrose she wasnt there then she Punched me on the Face. Then started to kick and i dodge them all.. When i started to Kick at Her she dodge them all too. Then She Backflip and Throw a Throwing Knife again. I Cover myself and Punch Her. But she Dodge Again. I Cant Keep it Up. Then I was Kicked and Then all i see was pitch black and i voice said "You hide all your secrets Brian how could you"..

//Welp there you go hahahha So Yeah i hope Ya Like The Chapter Its Kinda not good But hope ya Like It Byezz//

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