Chapter 17- Fighting Trials

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//Y/N POV//

Before we my first fight training with Luke. The guys let me have a tour of this place like the middle is where they fight each other for training and There is a Shooting Range, Parkour Course and A Gym THIS PLACE IS SO HUGE.

Me and Luke Started to go at the fighting platform. Y/N You can do this Ohm Cheered Ha thanks this is gonna be a piece of cake I smiled HEY Y/N YOU WANT TO GET YOUR SEXY ASS KICKED Luke Yelled HAH IN YOUR DREAMS i yelled back. Ok guys in your position Nogla said we both went to the middle May the best fighter wins I winked Ha same to you knuckle head Luke said. Now Here are the Rules No Using Weapons Only Fists Thats all and when the opponent got pinned He/She Loses Craig said. This is gonna be easy guys i can tell I said Are you both ready Tyler asked I put myself into my fighting Stance as well as Luke Yep were ready We both said Simultaneously Ok FIGHT Tyler Yelled.

Luke started First he Throw me a Punch which i i caught his fist on my hand WHAT THE! Luke Shout I smirked I grab his arm and Swing him across the platform. He landed. "He improve haha" I said in my Thoughts. I run into him and throw him a kick which hit him then another Kick but he grab my hand then i twist myself on thin air and smack his body on the Platform. Damn Y/N Your good Luke said Awww why Jealous I said sticking my tongue out Hah Funny Y/N Luke said. I started Punching him and Kicking Him Some are Block then i Use my Palms to push him just to get a clear hit. Which he got hit. He spitted blood Do you still want to continue Luke? I asked Concerned. No im still ok Luke said holding his Stomach "Its his Choice anyway" i said in my thoughts. He throw me punch but i dodge then anothe punch and i do a backflip and landed and swip my legs so he can fall of and Pinned him. THATS ALL FOLKS Y/N WON Tyler said. I grab Luke Hey you ok I asked Yeah just my Chest hurts cause the move you made the palm thingy it weakens me a bit Luke said Oww im literally sorry I said helping him out.

//Evans POV//

"I cant believe it she can do that Move" Evan EVAN! Delirious wave at me You ok you spaced out Delirious asked Yeah im just impressed I lied I know you saw her move Vanoss your not the one. Delirious said Her move was so Familiar I said Yeah more like somebody in a gang in the old generation. Tyler added Ok Delirious you next and lets see what her speed and agility looks like I said

//Back to Y/N POV//

Luke is being cared of Craig and Brock. Your Concerned about Luke? Jon Holds my shoulder Yeah it was just a training I look at Jon He can fight it Jon said.. ALRIGHTY NEXT UP IS JON VS Y/N. Evan Yelled Me and Jon go at the fighting platform. You guys Ready? Craig asked Yeah were both are Jon said Now the rules is you can use throwing knives so if the opponents get pinned is the loser and please be careful Craig said We are professionals Craig I said.. Everybody look at me shook except Brian What you guys dont Except Brian. I said No Everbody said. Ok *Ahem* FIGHT Tyler Yelled. I throw Three Throwing Knives to Jon but he Dodge it Ha taking it easy Jon said. Well it was just a warm up i said and Dodge his Throwing Knive which was expected to be thrown. Ha you missed I said. Thats great agility you got there Jon said. i then Run and Do a Back Flip and Press my body in thin air and spin and Throw some Throwing Knives Jon Got hit and dodge some of my Throwing Knives. I landed on my Feet. Jon throw some Throwing Knives and a Run and Block some with my throwing knives and do some Backflip. I then Run as fast as i could and Throw A Throwing Knife which Distracted him and I Kick him which send him down and i press myself in them air and throw 2 knives which pinned him.

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