Chapter 12- New Friends

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//Y/N POV//

Its been a Week since The Crew became My Friends. And They Stop Bullying people. Me and Anthony are Walking to School.. Hey Did you hear The News in School? Anthony Asked.. Well No. What Is it?. I asked. Well theirs Gonna Be Two New Students with the same Year As Ours..He explained..Owwww I said.. We arrived In the School.. And i feel a person putting his Arms on my Shoulders.. I Look and I Know It.. It was David. Hey! He said with a Smile on his face. Hey. I said back.. And I see Lui Beside him.. We enter The Halls.. And Still The same People Keep Looking at Me.. I dont know Why.. And Some Of The Girls give Me Glares and I dont care.. I walk to My Locker.. And Get My stuff and Go to My Class..

//Skip time to Lunch time//

We enter in the Cafeteria.. And Tyler tackled me.. Y/N!!! Tyler Yelled.. uhhh Tyler Why are you hyped and happy about?? I asked and Confused.. He didnt Say A Word and He grab My Hand. And Drag me To the Table i stumble but i keep Myself from not Falling.. Yes. I am Part Already.. But not like The Bad.. But Their Good.. He stops infront of Our Table.. He Let me Sit.. And  see All The Crew Already Seated.. Even Felix, Mark and Jack.. We were all Confused.. I'll be right Back ok Tyler Said Running out of the Cafeteria.. What Was that? Jack Asked. I dont know Felix Responsed. We Looked At Craig.. Cause of Course It is His Besfriend.. What are you guys looking at? Craig Said Nibbling His Fries.. Well We all know that his Your Bestfriend so did he tell you something? Evan Asked Uhh umm well.. i am not saying shit Craig responsed.. *Ahem* We stop and Look at Tyler.. And A Girl and a Boy beside him... The Girl has a Purple pastel hair .. Shes wearing a white Hoodie, Black legging and Purple Pastel Shoes.. And The Boy has Brown Hair with Glasses and His Wearing White sweater with a Black Vest with black pants and white shoes.. SO GUYS!! sorry about what i act earlier hehe Tyler said and awkwardly laughs.. Sooo.. Tyler who is this Beautiful Woman here.. Luke smirks and Pointed At The Girl with purple pastel hair.. HEY HEY! DONT YOU DARE SLIP ONE FINGER TO MY SIS.! Tyler Hissed.. So That Girl is His Sister.. *AHEM* So this Is Luna.. And This Guy Is Chad.. Tyler said introducing them to us.  Hi?... Luna Wave shyly.. Hey Chad wave as well..Owww nice to meet you new Fellas Mark said.. Hi my name is Y/N Nice to meet you both. I said Introducing myself.  Im Evan. This is Jonathan, David, Ohm, Luke, Bryce, Mark, Felix, Jack, Smiity, Arlan, Brian, Brock, Lui, Anthony And Craig.. Evan Said Introducing all.. HI! they all said. Wait Your Craig! Luna Said Looking at Craig. Luna Walk Towards him..

//Craig POV//

I look at Luna.. And She walk Towards Me.. and It gave me The Chills.. Cause.. I dont know. They all Look even Tyler.. So your Craig.? Luna Asked.. Ye-Yeah im Craig I response Well Tyler Keeps talking About You at Home.. I didnt Expect that Your Soo ADORABLE! Luna Said Pinching Both my Cheeks. Everybody Laugh while me Blushing So Hard.. I look at Tyler.. Who is Really Embarrased.. Chad Was Facepalming. I dont Know Why.. Luna Let Go of My Cheeks and She whispers something.. I know you like my Brother.. I give you my Blessing.. but if not its ok.. Luna whispers.. And She Kiss me on the Cheek.. I blushed so Badly and Everybody was looking at me.. Bro can me and Chad Get Food for Lunch...Luna Asked Innocently.. Y-Yeah Sure Tyler Reponse.. Luna and Chad Walk away.. Then Everybody looked at me and Tyler Sit Beside Me.. Craig what happend? Y/N asked.. I dont know.. I said and  blushed. *Sigh* Come on dude sometimes my sis asked questions..That uhhh SHIT Tyler said.. We looked at Him Confused and He Puts his Head on The Table.. Uhhh you ok Brock Asked.. Yep im good.. i just Fucked up cause of my sis telling mini something that i know now without HIM telling me.. Tyler said.. We looked Luna And Chad Bring Their Food To our Table..

//Y/N POV//

Hey whats your schedule for your next period? Evan Asked.. Well me and Chad Have The same Sched so our next is Free period.. Luna Said.. Thats Great we have free period Next I said.. So Luna How Tyler and You have Te Same Year? Brian Asked. Well Story Short.. Im Adopted Luna Said. While Tyler Pating Her Back. Anyways Are you and Cha~~ Bryce Cuts off by Chad NO WERE NOT! *ahem* Me and Luna have been Bestfriends For 10 yrs.. Chad Said.. Fixing his Glasses..

//Bell Rings//

Oww The Bell Rang I said.. Welp I guess were its free Period Craig said.. We went to the auditorium and Talked to Luna And Chad.. Guys Any plans this Weekend? Delirious asked Nothing All of us said.. Well How about a Pool Party at My Place. To Welcome Luna and Chad to our School.. Evan said.. That's A GREAT IDEA Bryce said. That settles then.. a Welcome Party Ohm said.. Wait Luna whos Older?? Craig Asked.. You didnt know.. Tyler Of Course Chad Response with a Smirk. Craig Glared at Chad. And Chad Glared at Craig as well.. OKKKKKK LETS PLAN THE PARTY i said Snapping them to Reality..

//Skip Afterschool// (Sorry for skipping cause i cant think any XD)

We Walk Out of Our Class And Talk about what The Teacher Told Us.. Guys i cant believe tat Summer Break Is Tomorrow.. David said.. David Thats What You get for Sleeping Every Homeroom I said.. And All Of Us Laugh.. And We didnt know That Luna and Chad Have The same Homeroom as ours.. So Tomorrow We will prepare for the party.. I expect Y/N, Bryce And Delirious To be In My Place Early.. Evan Said.. Whhhhyyyyy I whine.. Cause so we can Decorate and You do The Baking.. Evan Explained and Winked.. Oww Ok~~~ Wait!! How DID YOU KNOW THAT I BAKED. i Shout and Blushed. Cause I know Cute Girls Like You know How To cook Vanoss Said Holding My Chin.. I Blushed and He let go of my Chin.. Meet me Guys at 10 in the mall ok Evan Said waving.. I look at Ohm.. Who look like a Bit off.. is He Jealous.. Mmm I dont know.. All of Them wave Goodbye.. I felt someone Tap My shoulder i look it was Luna And Chad.. Owww Hey.. I said Umm did you saw Tyler?? Luna Asked Ummm no I said.. Hey Luna I gotta Go Bye Chad Waves and Leaves.. Anyway Do you like my Brother?? Luna said With a Smirk.. Uhhh I dont Know Yet. I said.. Hey Bitch Tyler Said. Luna Rolled Her eyes. owww sorry about That Luna Tyler Said Its ok.. Bro. Luna Response I gotta go bye HEY Anthony WAIT UP i said And Walk up To Anthony.. Damn Tylers Sis is a Hottie Anthony said.. And I Rolled My Eyes.. But the Problem Is That Tyler Is her Brother. Anthony said. And I Laugh.. Hey Anthony What do You think Of Our New Friends. I asked Their AWESOME..!! Anthony said.. We arrived to our houses.. Bye Anthony I wave Bye Y/N

//Hehhehehe I hope You like This Chapter.. Sorry for Skipping The Time TBH i cant Think any.. So I Hope You Like It//

Author: Yes me in the story.. Luke Is Being a Cassonova now

Luke: Hehhee *Awkward laugh*

Chad: I hope You Comment

Craig: Vote

Felix: And Bros FOLLOW

Author: WAIT. about The Last Time I said.. That.. Chapter 14 Their will be New People. I kinda did It Here so.. Yeah.. I forgot that I Said Chapter 14 But tok late XD

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