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I kept walking. I could hear Liam yell after me and I knew he was following me, so I ran. A part of me knew that he were going to catch up, he was way faster than me. And I was right, I didn't get far before Liam caught up to me. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me into an empty closet. He closed the door, turned on the light and stood in front of the door so I couldn't escape. «Let me go.» I told him. Tears were streaming down my face. Liam shook his head. «Not when I know I hurt you and made you cry.» Liam told me. I quickly tried to dry my tears, but they kept falling. Liam looked at me before he pulled me close to him. I tried to struggle away from his grip, but didn't let me go. I was hitting his chest, yelling for him to let me go, but he refused. «Let me go Liam, and leave me the fuck alone.» I told him. Liam just kept rubbing calming circles on my back until I stopped sobbing. «Let me go.» I said, my voice being hoarse. Liam looked at me. «I don't want to fucking see you, is that so hard to fucking understand?!» I yelled. What Liam did next took my by surprise. He pushed me backwards and slammed me into the wall. His hands were on each side of my body making it impossible for me to move. «Liam, what are you...» I begun but he stopped me by crashing his lips into mine. Our lips moved in sync as my arms suck around Liam's neck pulling him closer to me. He broke our kiss just long to pull off my top, then he connected our lips once more. The kiss was harsh and full of lust. I was used to Liam being gentle and sweet, now he was angry and filled with lust. He'd only been like this one time before, and I fucking loved it. Liam broke our kiss and started to kiss and bite my neck making me moan. My hands had moved to his hair and I tried puling Liam even closer to me. He moved his head up to kiss me once more, biting my lower lip, causing me to moan once more. His hands were traveling down to my pants. He was about to pull them down when a voice outside caused us to stop. «Liam? We're supposed to be in the dressing room right now. We sort of have a show, remember? Where the fuck are you?!» Louis's voice yelled from outside the door. Liam pulled away from me, taking a few steps away. He cleared his throat. «I have to go.» His voice were low, husky in some ways. He waited for me to put the top on before he opened the door and left me standing there, stunned.

I didn't know what happened, but I wasn't mad at him anymore. I took a few deep breaths. «Alright Angel, calm yourself down.» I told myself. I walked out and closed the door behind me. I tried to find the nearest bathroom without having to face my brother or the rest of the band for that matter. I finally found one and I snuck in giving me a look in the mirror. My hair was a mess and my makeup were all over the place. I pulled out all the makeup I brought with me. I fixed my makeup the best I could, then I used my fingers to comb my hair. «You don't look perfect, but you don't look like you just had a heated make out session in a broom closet either.» I told myself. I put all the makeup back into my purse before I walked out of the bathroom and to the boy's dressing and makeup room. «Where have you been?» Harry asked me as I sat down next to Eleanor. «None of your business.» I told him with the slightest blush to my cheek. I looked over at Liam. He looked at me in the mirror and smirked. I rolled my eyes and pulled up my phone. «Matt tells me to wish you luck Nialler.» I said. Niall smiled. «Tell him I said thanks and that I miss him.» Niall told me. I nodded. «He also said I should give you a good luck kiss from him, but I refuse.» I added. Niall laughed. «Understandable.» He told me with the slightest head tilt into Liam's direction. I knew Liam had herd every word of our conversation because he came over and put his arms around me as soon as his makeup and hair were done. Niall chuckled before he sat down in the chair Liam had recently been in. «Are we alright now?» Liam mouthed. I nodded. I wanted to give him a kiss, but I also didn't want to ruin his hair and makeup. There was a slight knock on the door. «I'm here to bring Angel to her seat.» The guard announced. I nodded and got up. «Take good care of her Mark.» Liam said. Mark smiled. «I won't let anyone touch her Liam.» Mark reassured him. Liam nodded and pulled out his phone. «Ready?» Mark asked. I nodded and we started to walk.

«Angel!» Daisy yelled as soon as she saw me. I smiled. «Hi.» I said when I came over to her and the rest. «Is Eleanor with you?» Phoebe asked hopefully. «No, but I think that's her coming over here.» I told her. Both twins stood on their tiptoes to see her. I smiled and turned to her. «Hello Eleanor. I would like you to meet me and Louis's little sisters and mum.» I said with a smile as she came over. She smiled and held her hand out. «I'm Eleanor. Louis's girlfriend.» Eleanor said as she shook my mum's hand. «It's nice to meet you. Louis has told me so much about you, only wonderful things of course. I'm Johanna.» My mum said. «It's nice to meet you.» She said. My mum smiled. «Just call me Jay, love.» She told Eleanor. She smiled. «I must say, your son is an amazing person, you've raised him well.» Eleanor said. My mum smiled. Eleanor then turned to my sisters. «Let me guess, you must be Lottie.» She said. Lottie smiled and nodded. Eleanor held her hand out but Lottie pulled her in for a hug. «It's so nice to finally meet you.» She told her before she let her go. The other hugged her as they introduced themselves as well. My family really liked Eleanor, and I think that was a relief for her. There were so many girls and a few boys around us now. I spotted Liam's parents. My mum did as well because she gave them a wave. Karen and Geoff smiled and came over. «Johanna! It's been so long.» Karen said and pulled her in for a hug. «It really has Karen, how are you?» Mum asked as Geoff gave her a hug. «Oh we're great. I'm so happy to finally see the boys preform their songs.» Karen said. Mum nodded. Karen looked at my siblings. «Oh, how they've all grown since we saw them last.» Karen said and gave them a smile. Karen then turned to me. I gave her a smile. Me and Karen didn't have the best relationship. She wasn't that fond of me. I never knew why, and Liam kept telling me that she loved me. That liar. «Angel, how lovely to see you as well. I assume you have talked to them.» Karen said. I nodded. «I have, and they're so excited.» I said. Karen nodded. She didn't like me, but Geoff and I had hit it off. He really was one of the nicest persons alive, I could see where Liam got it from. «This is Eleanor, Louis's girlfriend, by the way.» I added when nobody had talked for a while. Karen and Geoff gave her a smile. «It's nice to meet you. I'm Karen, Liam's mum.» She said and shook Eleanor's hand. Geoff did the same. «I'm Liam's dad, Geoff.» He told her. Eleanor smiled. «Nice to meet you. Liam is a really sweet guy, and he treats Angel like a true gentleman should.» She said. Karen smiled. «As he should.» She agreed.

So I've started school. I started yesterday, so now I'm officially not the youngest at my high school anymore. The class is good, I'm with my best friends. There is of course some people I don't like in my class, but it's alright :) I'm going to keep up with this schedule of uploading twice a week because the story is almost done. Then I might take a little break before I publish the sequel. I sort of need a little writing break. I've been writing non stop on this story during the summer and on Bad Intentions for the last bit of summer and I'm completely empty right now, and I need to get the will to write back. It's not going to affect this story at all, there will be parts on Monday and Thursday as always.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy and that school isn't a living hell yet if you've started :) And if you still have holidays, I hope you enjoy them :)

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