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I had given up keeping my door closed at this point. It was a party after all, and as long as my dad never found out about it I was golden. Matthew was flirting with some guy while Donny was on the coach getting high or something. I had not talked too much with him. It was not like I was avoiding him, I just did not what to say. Matt had looked over at me a few times but I just ignored him. "Hey Angel." A voice behind me said. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Donatello." I said and turned to face him. I met his light blue eyes. Donny smiled. "Are you avoiding me?" He asked. "No, why would I?" I asked. Donny raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because you have not talked nor looked at my direction all night." He said. "You're not the only person in my life Donny." I said. Donny laughed. "But I am the most important person in your life." He said and winked. I laughed. "Get over yourself." I said and walked past him. "You can't avoid me all night Angel." Donny said after me. "Watch me." I told him.

I had escaped from my own party and laid on my back out in the garden. I was playing with the feather necklace I got from Liam so long ago. I always did that. I either was nervous or thought whenever I played with it. Matt had pointed that out to me a few days ago. I know, I should have taken it off and gotten rid of it. It's stupid and cliche as fuck too keep it. But it was a part of me and my life(even though it's cliche to say that as well.) "So this is where you ran off to." Donny's voice said. "Are you following me?" I asked. Donny smiled before he laid down next to me. "You know there is a party inside right?" I asked. Donny laughed. "Yeah, and it's your party, so don't tell me where I should be." He pointed out. I laughed. "Fair enough" I said. I met Donny's gaze. "Why are you avoiding me?" He asked. I sighed. "It's stupid." I said. Donny smiled. "When are you not stupid?" He asked. "Fuck you Donny." I said. He laughed again. "Why are you avoiding me?" Donny asked again. "Alright, I have a problem." I said. Donny nodded. "Matt told me in the car on the way to the mall that you had sex with some other girl than me." I said. Donny opened his mouth, but I stopped him. "I know. I have no right to be like this. I've slept with other boys than you, and you have all rights to sleep with other girls. So it's stupid really." I said. Donny smiled. "Sounds like somebody is jealous." He teased. "I'm not!" I said. Donny laughed. "If you say so. Lets go back inside." Donny said and stood up. He reached out his hand for me. I smiled and took it.

We walked back into the party hand in hand. Donny led me one to the people he was smoking with. I smiled a little bit as Donny sat down and gently placed me on his lap. "You want a joint?" Some guy asked Donny. Donny nodded and took it. I waited for it to be my turn. Donny looked at me for a moment before he gave it to me. "Thank you Donny." I said before I put it up to my mouth. I blew out some smoke and gave the joint back to Donny. We kept going for this for a while before Matt came over. "Guys, I don't want to be that person, but. It's almost four am. I think it's time for everybody to leave." Matt said. I looked at him before I nodded. "You're right again Matty." I said and stood up. Donny got up after me and put his arms around me. "How high are you two right now?" Matt asked. I smiled and put my arm around him. "I'm higher than the fucking Empire state." I said. Matt shook his head. "Song lyric quotes. We're fucked." Matt said before he walked over to the stereo and turned it off. People started to complain and looked at Matt. "The party is over bitches.Go home, or stay here. We don't care." Matt said before he looked at means Donny. "Time for bed you two." He said and pointed towards the stairs. I sighed but dragged Donny with me to the stairs. "Please don't have sex." Matt begged as he walked with us to my room. "No promises." I said. "Stop with the song lyric!" Matt said before he laughed. "You're high as fuck." He added before he fell down on my coach. "You're letting Donny sleep in the same bed as me?" I asked. Matt nodded. "Wow. Are you drunk?" I asked. Matt laughed. "Nope. I just gave up trying to stop you two from doing shit." Matt said. I shook my head before I got into bed. Donny put his arms around me and pulled me closer. I smiled. "You're really cute when you smile." Donny said and kissed me. I kissed him back without hesitation. "Donny?" I asked when we pulled away to catch our breath. "Yeah?" Donny asked. "Would you give me more tattoos?" I asked. Donny smiled."Of course I will." He said. I smiled."Good." I told him before I kissed him again.

We made out for a while before I pulled away. "I think it's best if we just go to sleep." I said. Donny smiled. "Yeah, I guess. Let's not torture poor Matt." He said. "I have ears you know!" Matt said. I laughed. "That's why I'm being nice and not having sex with your cousin tonight." I told him. "Wow. You're so nice. I give you both about five minutes before you do it." Matt said. I laughed. "Whatever Matt." I said before snuggling close to Donny. Donny stroke my back. I felt so safe and happy with him. "Donny?" I asked. "Yeah?" He said. I smiled. "I think I'm about to fall in love with you." I said before I closed my eyes and drifted off too sleep. I'm happy I told Donny that. Because after that night, everything went to hell.


Aaaaaand here you go!

New part!

I hope you enjoy.

I think I will be doing some sort of advent calendar where I post a part everyday until December 25th. But we'll see. I might do another fanfic at Christmas time.

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