Chapter 2

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We head back to the dorm. It's only midnight. Not late, not late at all. Alex sits down on his bed and begins typing away. "Alex, stop." I groan as I close his laptop. "Do you like me?" He asked as he folded his hands. "Are you suggesting that I like you more than I'm supposed to?" I asked slightly offended. I sat across from him and glared at him. I hope it's not obvious. I really do like him, god I feel like I'm in middle school. "Well yes but don't be offended. It's rather simple. You always want to be everywhere with me and you held my hand today." Alex spoke as he eyed me down. He smirked and I felt myself beginning to blush. I quickly put my head down. I felt a hand grip my chin and I looked up to see Alexander's brown eyes staring into mine. I feel myself blush more than I thought I ever could. "Your pupils are dilated, and your blush is spreading across your freckled  cheeks. It's...cute." He mutters, he places his hand on my cheek and I hold his hand with my own. Then I hear Angelica screaming as she pushes the door open. Alex slaps me and I fly off the bed. I groan in pain. God this boy has quite the strength.

"Was I disrupting something?" She asked as she holds the doorknob. "Nope, not at all Satan." I grunted as I walk out the room. Then I hear footsteps running after me. I look back and I see it's Alex. "Where's Angelica?" I asked as I held my cheek. "She left after I told her that she did disrupt something." Alex said as he lifted my hand off my cheek. "It's just red, you'll be fine." He reassured as he caressed my cheek with his thumb. "How are you going to get ice?" Alex asks leaning in slowly. "Hey what are you doing?" James Madison  stated as he crossed his arms. "Uh n-nothing." We both spat out terrified for our lives. "It's okay, I won't tell Lee or Jefferson. Your secret is safe with me. Besides I'm dating Jefferson and I really want to be out of the closet already. So if he does anything that can ruin your life, not a beating or anything verbal but you know. Just spread it, please." He begged, which was suspicious but he did tell the truth. We both quickly nodded our heads.

We all moved in our separate ways. "That's was really odd." I said clearing up the silence. Alex hummed, "Yeah he was quite desperate." We found a vending machine and I got a cold water bottle. I put it against my face and we walked back to our dorm. I laid in my bed with my left cheek facing up. The time read 12:34 AM it's not really late. I drank some of the water before falling asleep to the sound of Hamilton typing away on the keyboard. The sound is quite satisfying which is quite weird to me. I drifted off to a painful yet exhausting sleep. Damn he slapped me hard.

I woke up seeing Hamilton still typing away. 1:44 AM. "Do you ever sleep?" I ask with my slurred English. "Yeah just not now." He mutter with his eyes bloodshot red and dark bags under his eyes. "Bitch, go to sleep." I command as I stand up and I close his laptop. "What are you doing?" He whispers in a frightened tone. I tossed his laptop on my bed and I flopped down on his next to him. "What are you doing?" He hissed angrily as he awkwardly looked down upon me. "Making you go to sleep. Now shut up." I mumbled as I cuddled into his side. I wrapped my arm around his waist and he surprisingly cuddled back.

Now you may say that we are just two straight wooden ruler bros that are just doing a macho man hug in a bed, under the covers, and in the dark. Whatever you believe. But it's gay. Too gay for my liking. Like gayer than Peggy. That kind of gay, maybe gayer. I heard Alexander's heart beat slow down. I look up and I see he's fast asleep. I reach for his face and I kiss his cheek. "Goodnight Alex." I whisper softly as I cuddle back into Hamilton. He turns over and positions himself where our legs are tangled and his arm is tightly gripping my waist. Alright this is gay. That's was the last thought I had before I fell asleep.

I arose to the sound of a soft mumble. Of course it's Alex. Is he seriously mumbling about history. My lord he never takes a break. I decided to cuddle in closer until I hear him stir. I pretend that I'm asleep and he does fall for it. Oddly. Well he can't move and it's only Tuesday. We still have a couple days to sleep in. "John, Jooohn, Jacky!" Alex exclaimed which awoke me. "How do you know that?!" I said sleepily. I looked at him like if he were crazy. "Lafayette." He responded as he played with my hair. "I'm going to fucking kill him." I threatened as I laid back down facing away from Hamilton. "I don't like that name. It reminds me of what my father used to call me. I would get bullied for it." I pouted as I turned back to face Alex. "I think it's cute, it suits you." Goddamnit this boy is always making me blush. I got up to do my morning routine.

I showered and brushed my teeth. I walked out with a towel around my waist and I see Alex with coffee in his hands and his jaw dropped. "Don't look at me. I'm naaaked. Aaah." I whined. I ran to grab my clothes and I walked back into the bathroom the get dressed. "But Jacky you look hot." He begged as he knocked on the bathroom door. I got out with a wet towel in my arms and a wet towel on my head. Alex walked up to me and held my waist. "Mon ami, oh I'm disrupting something. Wait are you dating?" Lafayette asked. "How in the hell did you get in here?" I asked as I pulled away from Alex. I dropped the towel and the towel fell from my head. "I picked your lock with two bobby pins." He replied lifting up to bobby pins. "No things are just complicated between us." Alex elaborated as he walked into the bathroom.

"So you got yourself a copain, mon ami?" Lafayette muttered making sure Alex didn't hear. "Not really, I don't know. It's only the second day and we're being really flirty. I'm not ready for a relationship." I whispered as I leaned close to Lafayette for only him to hear. "Makes sense. Well take your time. But don't mess with his feelings." Lafayette reminded as he looked over my shoulder. I quickly nodded and pushed Lafayette out the door. "Bye." I shouted before I shut the door.

"Now, where were we?"

Ah cliffhangers. I'll update later. Madison acted really weird in this chapter, didn't he? Sounds like something you don't hear on the daily. Well I hope this satisfies you. :D

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