Chapter 9

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You all will probably hate me for making this up and yeah just read on.

"Alright let's go!" Peggy announced pulling me off of Alex. Eliza was still all over Alex. "I think you're really cute." Eliza said rubbing Alex's arm. "Yeah, my boyfriend thinks that too." Alex said proudly walking over to me. He dipped me and kissed me passionately. Once we pulled apart I felt myself beginning to blush. "Alexander, you're quite the drama queen." I giggled taking his hand in mine. Alex leaned over and swiftly kissed my cheek. I can see Eliza fuming with rage. "Eliza, this is why you don't flirt with gay guys who have boyfriends." Angelica scolded slapping her sisters arm. "Sorry." She apologized. Angelica rolled her eyes and dragged her two sisters along.

We all went to the diner and sat down at our usual booth. "I have something to confess." Lafayette muttered breaking the conversation between everyone. We all stared down Lafayette. "What's wrong laf?" Hercules asked slipping his hand into Lafayette's. I noticed that and my heart melted. "So you know Thomas Jefferson?" Lafayette asked quietly leaning in. Everyone groaned in disgust. "Yeah, well we are uh, related biologically." Lafayette sighed softly looking down at the table. "You're related to that dickhead?!?" Alex stood up. "Oh did someone say my name?" Thomas sassed grabbing a chair and sitting at our booth. "I told them about us." Lafayette told Jefferson. "Why did you tell them that, I don't want to be related to you! Don't you know that, it's even worse because we're twins!" Jefferson rambled on. "Okay, what the fuck Jefferson? Did you have a bowl of macaroni and shit?" I said angrily pounding my fist on the table. By now I was fuming. "Leave." I said gritting through my teeth. "Why should I?" He retorted rolling his eyes. "Because I said so. If you don't leave I will shove a bag of dicks down your throat! I know something that can destroy you. And I swear, if you don't leave us alone, I will tell everyone your little secret." I threatened angrily standing up. I tried to punch Jefferson but Alex held me back.

"You don't know shit. Tell me what you know." He demanded standing up leaning over Angelica and Lafayette. They sat by the outside. "You are in a romantic relationship with James Madison." I spat out sitting down. Jefferson's jaw fell down and his mouth was open. "Close your mouth unless you're ready to suck Madison's dick." I said angrily. Jefferson stood up and walked away in shame and anger. "Damn John." Lafayette muttered in awe. Everyone at the table began to clap for me. I sat down and I rested my head on the table. I began to cry. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" Alex asked rubbing my back. "How dare he talk to Lafayette like that!" I whimpered, I hugged Alex and I shook as I cried. "Ssshh shh baby. It's okay, Lafayette isn't hurt. You did a good job." Alex comfort me by kissing me gently on my head and rubbing my back. "I am dying over cuteness overload." Hercules awed. I laughed at Hercules comment. "Let's go, I wanna go back to my dorm. I have tons to write about." Alex announced holding my hand. "Dude you don't have to do anything for the next two months." I replied looking puzzled. "Fine. We can have some fun." Alex winked at me. I heard Eliza huff in jealousy.

We all left the diner to go back to our dorms. Alex and I saw Maria and Peggy kiss and let's just say that Alex and I were squealing. Alex and I walked back to our dorm hand in hand. "So, I'm going to research." Alex said sitting down on his desk and opening his laptop. "Researching what?" I asked looking over his shoulder. "Charles Lee?" What is Alex doing? Isn't it illegal? I thought to myself. "He's a serial killer. He poisoned his parents, his girlfriend, and his one year old daughter." Alex mumbled doing further research. "Also he's your bully." Alex rambled on. "H-how did y-you know that?" I stammered wondering if he knew anything about my life. "Yeah I always see him call you names and knock down your books." Alex replied standing up and turning around. "Now baby, I don't want him hurting you or anyone else in that matter." Alex whispered softly wrapping his arms around my neck. "You talking about a serial killer is so fucking sexy even though I'm against it." I said softly leaning in.

He smashed his lips against mine and pushed me on my bed. "Would you like to join me?" He asked between kisses. "Do what?" I said stopping. I need a moment to breath. "To kill Charles Lee." Alex replied kissing me so softly. He unbutton his shirt as I pulled off mine. "Why?" I said resting my forehead on his. "Trust me you'll like it." He unbuckled his pants and yanked my pants off. "Just imagine, seeing him go limp as I inject the tranquilizer, then we take to a place where no one can see. Then we can just stab him and watch the blood slowly drip out of him as the life leaves his eyes." Alex described making me aroused. "Fuck Alex." I breathed heavily. "Why do you make it sound so fucking hot?" I moaned grinding my hips against his. "Ah so you like that don't you?" Alex gasped as I began to bite his neck. Alex played with the waist band of my boxers. "Pl-please." I moaned softly. He gently pushed my boxers off my waist and he tore his off. "A-Alexander! Stop teasing me!" I begged as he continued to gently kissed my neck. "I'll stop teasing you if you agree on doing it with me. You know, killing Charles Lee." That statement gave me shivers down my spine. "Y-yes." I gasped as he entered inside of me. "Just imagine him scared and tied up. And then imagine him trying to scream for help or beg to be let free. Then imagine you slowly thrusting the knife inside of him." I gasped loudly and then I began to breath more heavily. "And you know what else, the blood. The dark red blood oozing slowly out of his body. Oh and the puddles it will make. The big dark red puddles." Alex whispered in my ear thrusting faster with each sentence. I harshly slammed my lips against his and he went faster. "You like that don't you?" Alex purred against my neck. "Ah y-yes." I whimpered in pleasure.

"Trust me baby. You'll love this date I have planned for you."

Well there's a glimpse of my mind. Sherlock and Dexter has gotten to me. Whoops? And I wonder what Alex really has in mind for John.

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