Chapter 20

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I shot my hazel colored eyes opens and the bright white lights above me stung. I rapidly shut them and this time I opened my colored eyes slowly. I sat up and I noticed all the monitors all around me. Some were tall and others weren't so tall. They were beeping in slow rhythm and others in a fast rhythm. I looked out the window and it appeared to be dawn. I removed the oxygen mask from my face and I put it on the desk beside me. A doctor came in coincidentally and I glared at him. "Am I okay?" I asked him as he grabbed the board. "Yeah you suffered a concussion and a few slashes on the arm. They probably will leave a scar, my apologies about that." He replied taking me off of the oxygen supply. "What about Alex? Is he alright?" I asked frantically clutching my rough faded blue sheets. They seemed to be in constant use due their state of being. "Hamilton?" He paused, I nodded my head and he pursed his lips. "No. He's not in the best condition, he lost a lot of blood. He's in danger due to the amount of blood loss." He expressed sadly, I frowned and I began removing the needles and patches from my arms and chest. "Hey, hey. Calm down, you can see him. Just let me call in a nurse to assist you." The doctor said and then left the room.

I was basically running towards Alexander's room. I tried to arrive as quickly as I could. He's in critical condition and this is not what I wanted for him. I did my best to protect my Alex. He deserves to live, not to die. I barged into the room and he was wide awake. He was staring at the ceiling. He looked exhausted, he had black bags under his eyes and his face was pale. "20 percent." A nurse muttered in my ear. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked standing by Alex's side, I grabbed his cold hand in mine and stared deeply into his brown eyes. "It means that he has the probability of dying. So say your last goodbyes." A nurse stated negatively and watched me. "Aren't you supposed to help him. Like what about giving him blood?!" I yelled at her. "Yeah but he has no relations and we can possibly poison him with someone else's blood and we don't know what blood type he is." The nurse responded, I rolled my eyes and I shooed her away. "Hey Alex. I love you so much." I whispered pecking his forehead still holding his hands in mine. "I love you too." He mouthed squeezing my hands slightly. He slid his hands to the back of my head and he kissed me. Even though he was weak, I kissed him so very gentle and with fear. Knowing that this is his last moment, we had spent it together, alone. A word I will grow familiar with. Alex cupped my cheek with his hand and he smiled softly, I held my hand over his cold one. A familiar smile, a bright smile with his pearly white teeth. His smile reminded me back in the day when we were together. I got lost but I remembered that this is reality. A reality I thought I would never live in, a reality I would have to eventually have to face whether I like it or not. I smile back to Alexander and he shuts his eyes. There are only a few beeps until the line goes flat. I stop smiling and tears roll down my face, I squeeze his hands gently and I put it down by his side. I kissed his forehead and I am ushered away from him. There's nothing they can do to save him.  Nothing I can do.


1 Week Later

Everyone attends his funeral except for Eliza. She is being put through mental evaluation due to her history with mental illness. She has suffered from schizophrenia and they are currently treating her mental state. Poor Eliza, although she killed Alexander, she is also suffering and I do not wish anyone to suffer how they did. The casket is closed now. Everyone has said their goodbyes. Now I am the last one to say goodbye. Everyone has moved out of my way and watch me as I walk towards his grave. I pull out a note he has written before I had woken up in the hospital, I read it once more before I say anything.

Dearest John,

I am running out of time. I long to see you once more before I pass. All I beg of you is to take your time love, I'll see you on the other side.

Alexander Laurens-Hamilton

"I will see you on the other side love." I say before I drop a single crimson red rose on the casket and he is being lowered. All I could think about is the good things about Alex, his smile, his laugh, the way he stood, the way he smelled. Everything about him was so breathtaking. And the single song he wrote when he was once alive. The song that now stuck in my head, the song that kept me sane. This is what I have left of him. Sure I have items and possessions, but those are meaningless. Anyone could have what he owns. But what I own, is a different story. I own his music, his poems, his arguments, and anything he could have written. Because that's what mattered the most. The memories and the thoughts he once had.

I may not live to see our glory,
But I will gladly join the fight,
And when our children tell our story,
They'll tell the story of tonight.

And one thing I'm sure of, is that I will always and forever will love him. Nothing will change that, nothing at all.

Tomorrow there'll be more of us.

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