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YOLO. You only live once.

A lot of people, mainly young adults, engage in extreme, thrilling and risky activities in aims of making the most of the one and only life they have.

There seems to be this notion in the younger generation that extreme activities play a big role before someone can say that they have lived their life to the fullest. Is that the only way to live one's life to the fullest though?

Too many young lives are lost due to this reason, yet others don't seem to be bothered by it.

When does it become less worrysome for others? When someone wants to make the most of their additional time? When someone wants to make the most of their limited time? Is it both? Or is it ever acceptable?

RJ and Maine, both athletes, both achievers, both champions, both well-known in their own sport,  and both used to living active lifestyles, will leave their routine-led lives to go on separate personal quests and live their lives to the fullest. Somewhere in the middle of their journey, they will find their way to each other and learn that life is more than just yolo-ing. Life is a lot more about a force called love.

Love will take them to places they've never been to. Love will bring them the hope they thought was long gone. And love, the greatest force there is, will bring their two bruised hearts together to fight the battle awaiting them.


Note: And I'm back with another story! The plot came to me many weeks ago but I haven't had the time to get it started. I'm still looking for time, because it just loves hiding from me, but I wanted to get this story on WP before it bails on me hahaha!

The genre will be the same as The Irony and Choices & Chances so I hope you enjoy another rollercoaster ride. Please feel free to leave comments, good or bad!

If you've read one or both of my stories, you know what you're in for haha! If this is your first, I hope each chapter makes you come back.

Thank you and enjoy reading! As with my previous story, I'll update as soon as time allows me to and words flow from my mind 😅

150rewind, signing back on for "Just Live!"

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