Chapter 30

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"Riza, ano ginagawa mo dito sa kwarto ng kuya mo? Let's go, anak."

"Sunod ako, ma," Riza answered with a smile.

"Ano yang tinitignan mo? Hinihintay na tayo nila tita Mary Ann mo."

"I'll be down in a minute, mom. Promise."

"Don't take too long, ha? Your dad and I will wait for you in the car."

Rio kissed the side of her daughter's head before walking out of RJ's room. It's that time of year when the Mendozas and Faulkersons come together; what happened on that day many years ago has brought the two families closer than anyone could ever imagine.

When her mother walked out, Riza picked up a piece of folded paper that was tucked underneath a framed photo on her brother's desk.

In the frame was a sketch of RJ, signed and dated six years ago on the morning after he proposed to Maine. While RJ was sound asleep beside her, Maine had a strong urge and inspiration to draw. Even after not drawing for months, Maine pushed through it and came up with another sketch, her very first since her brain surgery. He was her last sketch before losing sensation and control to her right hand, and he was her first sketch after gaining all the sensation and control to her hand.

It was of RJ's sleeping figure beside her, who was then on his back with a white shirt on, wearing a cross necklace, his left arm stretch out on Maine's side of the pillow, and his stubbled chin popping out from the fluffy pillow that enveloped his head. Beside RJ on the night stand was a lamp, and behind it was the window that looked out onto the ski village.

On the folded paper was Maine's handwriting.

My dearest RJ,

I used to ask Him why I was hit with cancer at the prime of my life. I wanted to do so many things with it, swim and compete, go to business school and graduate, put up my own little tiny business out of hardwork, and other things.

I asked Him why it had to be me, but I stopped asking questions and started appreciating the blessings that came after my diagnosis. I'm not saying that I know the reason why He gave me cancer, no one really knows why things happen execpt God himself, but I have an idea I learned to embrace.

Cancer paved the way to meeting you and I couldn't be happier to have met an amazing guy named Richard Faulkerson Jr. It paved the way for me to learn how to appreciate the little things life has to offer like your presence, my family's presence, having enough strength to eat at the dining table with all of you.

It allowed me to have a closer bond with my family, something I've always wanted to have, especially with my parents. I used to not know what my purpose was in this world, and in my cancer diagnosis, I found the answer.

My illness has not only brought me to you; it also became my starting ground to help others live their lives. I got caught up with my own life that I forgot to share the many blessings I received even before my diagnosis. Just like what I told you then, if I end up losing this battle, at least I did something to prolong someone else's life.

It is through you and our adventures that I've come to terms with it.

For those reasons, and many more, thank you, love. You will always be in my heart, and that spot is yours forever. What I would give to wake up every morning and find you beside me, just like this new sketch of you.

I have been so blessed this past few months, love. Thank you for all the bonuses you've made me experience.

If you were to ask me again, kung kontento na ako, here's my answer...

Yes, love. Kontento na ako.

Pero, hindi naman masamang mangarap pa rin, diba?

I continue to dream of having our own family, love, and of waking up every morning with you by my side. I dream of this sketch coming to life everyday as I open my eyes and find you there.

I love you, RJ Faulkerson. I love you beyond words can ever tell, beyond actions can ever show.

With so much love,

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