Chapter 3

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"Please say something."

Maine looked at him before taking a sip of her drink.

"I know it's way too early, considering we really don't know each other, but who knows if this is ever gonna happen again?" RJ continued to talk when Maine kept quiet.

"RJ, thank you for the offer, but I think I'd like to stick to my original plan and do this on my own."

He was bummed because he had expected she would agree to do it but he still gave her a smile. "Yes, of course, Maine. Sorry for being too forward."

"I admire you for not being afraid to ask. Maybe next time, if we ever get a chance to do it again, I'll take you up on that offer," she said, returning a smile.

"But, if you ever change your mind overnight, the offer still stands. I'll be hiking up along highway 93 tomorrow and see the falls in the afternoon, then I'm leaving for Vancouver the day after. I'll be having breakfast at the bakery in town tomorrow morning at 8."

"Talagang you won't give it up ha," Maine chuckled.

"No, ma'am, this cutie pie doesn't know how to give up," RJ replied with a failed wink and the pogi sign, showing his toned biceps.

She got distracted with his arm before laughing loudly at his failed wink and shook her head, "Ewan ko sayo. Wag ka na mag-wink ulit, nababawasan kapogian mo."

"So, you think I'm pogi?"

"Oh good gosh, why did the universe let me meet this conceited guy," she answered with a bit of an exaggeration.

"Swerte mo nga eh, solong solo mo tong tisoy face na toh for a week kung papayag ka."

"Give it up, RJ," Maine said with a chuckle.

"Nope, never!"

They walked around the lake for a little bit after lunch before parting ways. Maine struck him as mysterious and RJ wanted to get to know her more.

As much as he wanted to, he stopped himself from doing so because didn't want to overwhelm her.

He was struck with the strong personality she exhibited when they met at the lake, but was even more interested when she gave out a different vibe when they were having lunch. She seemed more timid, and exuded elegance and sophistication in the way she talked.

RJ hoped to cross paths with her again, and that their lunch wouldn't be the last time he'd see her.

The next day, RJ was already at the bakery at 7:30 in the morning. He sat and waited, still hopeful that Maine changed her mind and would suddenly show up.

An hour passed. Two cups of coffee, and a ham and cheese croissant, later, there was still no sign of her.

When the clock struck 9 o'clock, RJ saw a black Cadillac SRX, a car that looked familiar to him, drive past him. With a disappointed sigh, he stood up and walked away from the bakery. Well, what did you expect? She just met you yesterday, did you really think she'd agree to it, he said in his mind.

In the car, Maine watched him from the side mirror while she waited for the light to turn green. She wanted to accept his offer, she really did, but a part of her was afraid of getting to know him more and possibly forming a much deeper relationship with him. The left turn arrow turned green, and although it was already 9 in the morning, there weren't many card on the road yet. The lane to her left, which is for turning left, was empty and the arrow was still flashing green.

Maine took a deep breath and just as the arrow turned yellow, she found herself making a u-turn, surprising herself once more. YOLO, self, it's now or never, she said in her mind.

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