Chapter 23

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Note: Happy New Year, everyone! I know it's been a while since the last update and may nagtatanong na din if tuloy pa ba yung story. I'm really sorry for the lack of updates lately pero I assure all of you na tuloy na tuloy ang story and I will finish it for all of us (kasama din ako 😅).

I hope you all had a good holiday season! Here's a chapter for all of you. Thank you ng maraming marami for still being here matagal kayo naghihintay for updates! Tuloy ang laban!

I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope to see you again in the next one. We're almost done, konti pa hehe maraming salamat ulit!

- 150rewind ❤️


Of the five days that RJ and Maine spent in the ski village, they blended perfectly in with the locals and tourists. Friends, couples, and families who were there for a short time away from the hustle and bustle of their daily lives just like the two.

"You want some more?" RJ asked as he offered his beaver tail.

"Last bite," he heard her say before she took a bite off of the beaver tail, a fried pastry with chocolate hazel nut spread and sliced bananas on top.

RJ giggled when Maine lifted her head off his shoulder to thank him and saw chocolate spread in the corner of her lips. Her eyes were glued on him while he gently wiped it with his thumb, followed by sucking on his finger to lick the chocolate off of it.

"Sarap?" Maine asked with a chuckle.

"Sobra. Lasang Maine," he beamed before going in for a quick smack on her lips.

"Drink water, love," she said as she brought the bottle to his mouth.


"Love," Maine quickly sat up and leaned closer to the window. "Snow tube tayo."

"Snow tubing? Di ka ba mapapagod nun, love?" RJ asked as worry spread across his face.

She reached for his forehead and carefully ran her fingers across, wiping the creases away as they appear with RJ's worried look.

"Okay lang ako, love, promise. Di naman tayo tatakbo or anything. Sige na, please?" She pleaded with a grin like a three year old asking for more play time.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're not tired or anything?"

"Nope. Not tired at all. Can we?" She asked again with a grin.

"Sige na nga, pero don't tire yourself out, okay?"

"Promise! Tara! Can we leave my crutch in a locker too? Para hindi natin bitbitin."

"Are you gonna be okay walking without it, love?"

She nodded in excitement. "Ikaw na lang muna tungkod ko," she smiled.

RJ smiled and held her hand. "I will always be your tungkod in life, love."

"Ang cheesy pero ang sweet," Maine replied with a giggle.

"Pero kilig ka naman," he said with a grin. "Tara, gusto daw mag snow tubing ng mahal ko eh."

Maine stood up and put her scarf and gloves on while RJ shoved the last piece of pastry in his mouth.

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