It's my birthday

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July 13

I woke up to my bestfriend jumping on my bed, i groaned rolling over and looked at her mad. I was so tired because i went to bed so late. I know Madison is my bestfriend but me and this girl is coming from way back, first day of middle school, all the way through high until i broke the chain and dipped for LA.

I know Madison is always loud and energetic but this girl is next level, you do not want to go out public with her. She's the friend that's always gossiping i don't know how but she knows about every drama.

How are you still sleeping, it's your 19th birthday. Get the fuck uuuup!~ eva

You are the most annoying thing ever, I'm freaking tired ~ Brianna

No one told you to stay up late last night, now go get ready we're going to the mall ~ eva

I groaned as i rolled out of bed, took a shower, did my hair and we left. It has been so long and of course she wanted to know everything. We caught up on each other while we were at the mall.


We got home and eva did my hair and makeup, i got ready so does eva. There's this place in ohio that they rent to keep parties, so she convinced me to go with her to the party.

We got to the place and i walked through the door to see a bunch of people screaming happy birthday. This was so amazing, i saw a lot of faces that i recognized from high school. I entered the party and said high to a couple people before everyone started dancing. I was the happiest thing ever, i snap chatted every single part. I was tearing up a bit.

Holy fuck eva how did you get our entire school to come, we didn't even talk to half these people ~ brianna

You know me, always got links. Had to threaten a few but that's nothing. I just wanted you to have the best birthday ever, i love you man ~eva

I love you too i said before hugging her, she then dragged me in the center of where everyone was dancing. And from that moment i had the most lit night ever.

It was currently 5:52AM and the party was just finshing, more people came who didn't even come to our high school. Me and eva left looking like we both got jumped in an alley.

Eva dropped me home and i went straight to my room and flopped on my bed, next thing you know i knocked out.


It's still the current day when i woke up and it's now 4:02 PM. Yes i got a good 9 hours of sleep, i could really use some more.

I checked my phone to see i missed 3 calls from jonah, so i called him back.

Hey! Sorry i missed your call i was sleeping ~Brianna

I figured you were, how was the club yesterday it looked like you were having fun. ~jonah

I did have a lot of fun and that wasn't a club haha~ brianna

Oh, it looked like a packed clubon you stories ~ Jonah

That my friend was my birthday day party my friend planned, this girl freaking invited my entire high school ~ Brianna

Jeepers nuts. That's crazy your friend sound dope ~ Jonah

She definitely something out lf this world, and it was pretty lit ~ Brianna

I'm glad you had fun, i can't wait until we're both back in LA. I jave so much planned ~ Jonah

I can't wait either, now that I'm here it's really boring. I'm at the mall with eva everyday, she driving me nuts ~ Brianna

Haha, go out be free. Do adventerous stuff ~ Jonah

I can't hike because i don't have a back to ride ~ Brianna

Oml, riding someone's back isn't hiking. You are too lazy ~ Jonah

Fine, i promise to be productive tomorrow ~ Brianna

That's my girl, i gtg love you~ jonah

I love you too ~Brianna

I went to get yogurt before watching a movie with mom, we spent the rest of the evening together.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now