why are you doing this

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They all gathered in the living room,  Jonah saw i was crying and came to hug me but i pulled away indicating him to not hug me.

End of flashback

And that's where we are at now.

Are you okay ~ Jonah

I'm fine ~ Brianna

I know these aren't tears of joys ~ Jonah

I said im fine! ~ Brianna

A/n: i can imagine jack whispering "someone's on their period" 😂😂

Let's not bite off anyones head. We got in an argument and I've made this 'meeting' to end this all ~ Logan

Logan you don't have to is she d- ~ Madison

Madds, shush. This needs to stop, i need all of you to tell her something you've done for her. Or something you've given up for her that hurt you guys in some way ~ Logan

That's not gonna help her, that's gonna let her feel worst ~ Daniel

Maby that's what she needs to stop acting how she's acting. ~ Logan

"It's okay" i said in a really soft voice

Jack start~ Logan

Why me !! ~ Jack

I'll start, we were suppose to go to same college. I got accepted in my first choice but i went to the one Brianna got accepted in. But then she moved here last minute ~ Eva

As you all know i didn't go to art school because i didn't want to leave her. I helped you study your lines when I should be in bed resting from the pain i was in ~ Madison

I was suppose to be away with christina that week you were in coma, i didn't want to leave and somthing bad happened ~ corbyn

I honestly can't think of nothing ~ zach

It was Daniel's turn but he just got up and left. He walked out to the balcony and sat on one of the love sacks. It was now Jonah's turn and he looked sad.

I'm sorry but I'm not doing this either, i don't see how it's helping. Apologies is all that was needed, we all made mad mistakes ~ Jonah

Well it was great to here all of this, definitely didn't change the situation but it changed me. Madison and Eva I'm really sorry for my stubbornness, i accept both your apologies and i hope you'll accept mine ~ Brianna

I accept ~ Eva

As i said a year ago, we've been through worst. I accept your apology ~ Madison

I hugged them both and went out to the balcony. I wiped tears from my eyes as i sat beside Daniel.

I don't want to have a talk neither of us won't like ~ Daniel

I thought it'd be better to say goodbye before i leave ~ Brianna

What do you mean ~ Daniel

I'm going home ~ Brianna

Permanent? When are you coming back ~ Daniel

Not sure ~ Brianna

Why is all this happening ~ Daniel

I wish i could answer that ~ Brianna

I'll miss you ~ Daniel

I'll miss you too ~ Brianna

We both walked back inside to find the room in silence. Logan isn't there and everyone is on their phone.

Guys.... I'm going home ~ Brianna

Madison's house? ~ Zach

No, Ohio ~ Brianna

What! Why ~ Jonah

I just need to go ~ Brianna

And it's just okay to leave. Leave me and everyone else ~ Jonah

Me having this conversation makes me just want to scream or break something. I'm feeling away I've never felt before, i don't know what to think or say if i stay around them. How can they not hate me.

I'm sorry but i just can't handle this right now, i just need to go ~ Brianna

At least tell me when you're coming back ~ Jonah

I'm not sure ~ Brianna

*sigh* and you're just leaving your life here ~ Jonah

I'm not changing my mind, i just wanted to say my goodbyes ~ Brianna

That word again, i hate the word goodbye. Am i gonna see you again ~ Jonah

I don't know ~ Brianna

Why are you doing this, is it because what logan did ~ Jonah

I'm sorry ~ Brianna

Now you're the one saying sorry too often ~ Jonah

I walked away and went to my room to get the few things i have in there.

I got more stuff from Madison house and finished packing all the stuff I'll need. I booked a ticket first thing tomorrow morning.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now