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It's been an hour since Logan left and I'm hearing things in the living room, i know it's not him else i would hear him vlogging. I'm starting to get really scared, i ran in my closet and grab my baseball bat. Don't ask why i have it.

I slowly open my door and i saw a figure walking in the kitchen, why did Logan turn all the lights off. I slowly walk up to the person and hit them with the bat.

The body figure hit the floor and didn't move, i then started to panic wondering if i just killed someone. I then turn on the lights and turned the person over only to see it was Daniel, he still wasn't moving. I placed my ear in his chest and relief wash over me as i hear his heart still beating.

I tried lifting him but he was too heavy or i was just too weak. O dragged him by his hand and pulled him on the couch, i then went to my room and dialed Jonah's number.

i need you to come over right now

Why what's wrong

I sort of just knocked Daniel out

I didn't hear him respond, ran back over Daniel and shake him thinking that would help. A couple minutes later Jonah, we tried waking him but he didn't wake. We know he's still breathing so nothing serious, although he'll probably not remember anything. Jonah and i sit an wait for him to wake.

Why did you knock him out ~ Jonah

I didn't do it on purpose. I heard something in the kitchen and it was dark out here so I grab my bat and I saw someone and I  hit them next thing you know it was Daniel ~ Brianna

What are you even doing with a baseball bat ~ Jonah

For times like these ~ Brianna

To hit your friends in the head? ~ Jonah

No, i thought it was a thief. The question is why is he here ~ Brianna

I don't know, to talk to you ~ Jonah

I don't live in the kitchen, he was in the kitchen ~ Brianna

This isn't a MacDonald's drive tru. Why isn't he waking up ~ Brianna

Because you gave him a concussion, he'll be up soon ~ Jonah

We both sat in silence, waiting for Daniel to wake up. It's been an hour and he's still not awake, Jonah have also fallen asleep. I saw Daniels hand twitch, he the open his eye's and sit up straight holding his head.
I wake up Jonah and he then immediately start questioning Daniel.

What's your name? ~ Jonas

Ah... Umm.... Its... D- d- daniel. Daniel, seavey. My names daniel seavey ~ daniel

I then sighed in relief that he remembers, he then looked around the room still holding his head. He then looked at me the the bat that's on a love sack across from us and his eye's go wide.

"You!! " he said pointing at me. He then looked the bat and closed his eye's, i tried touching him but he moved away from me.

Do you know who she is ~ Jonah

No. But i know she's the one that hit me, i saw her before everything went dark ~ Daniel

Do you know who i am ~ Jonah

Umm.... No but you look familiar ~ Daniel

Okay my names Jonah, I'm your friend. Can you tell me everything you remember ~ Jonah

I know that i live with a group of boys, but i can't remember their names. I know there's this girl that i love..... Her name? Her name? ~ Daniel

It's okay, you'll remember everything soon. Why are you holding your head ~ Jonah

It's hurting really bad ~ Daniel

He then got up and picked up the bat, looking at it weird. He put it down then walked over in the kitchen, then he came back to the couch.

Her names, Madison.... Her names Madison hails ~ Daniel

I then was shocked, he said he loved Madison. Maby it's because of the concussion.

What about Courtney.... Courtney Reed ~ Jonah

Whose that ~ Daniel

Your girlfriend ~ Jonah

Girlfriend?? Then whose Madison ~ Daniel

Okay Jonah take him home and let him rest. Give him something for his headache, and tell the boys. Don't question him, let him rest ~ Brianna

Jonah and Daniel left and now I'm here again all by myself. I make sure close all the doors before going back to my room. I put my bat back in my closet and tried to sleep but i couldn't. He doesn't remember me, now he think I'm just the girl who hit him with a bat. Why would he remember Madison and not Courtney.

I then started scrolling through my Instagram feed trying to forget everything. I closed my eye but Daniel hitting the floor keeps coming in my head.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now