don't hurt yourself

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It's been two days since Daniel and Madison broke up. I don't know how Daniel is taking it cause i haven't been to their house, but every time i see Madison she's reading their old messages.

I honestly don't know what to do, Every night she calls asking if i wanna eat ice cream with her, and of course i say yes. But sadly i can't eat no more, i have to be in shape for set.

I didn't have anything to do so i decided to go look for the boys.


I came through the front door to hear everyone shouting, they were playing games. I looked outside to daniel sitting by the pool all by himself.
I walked out and sat beside him.

Hey~ brianna

Hey~ Daniel

How are you holding up~ Brianna

Pretty good.... lemme see i haven't been sleeping, eating properly or anything that i usually do. I'd say I'm doing great~ Daniel

I'm really sorry~ Brianna

Don't apologize. I'm the one that messes everything up, i should have just blocked her. But the one time I reply because i felt like i was being mean~ Daniel

What did you say to her?? ~ Brianna

*recap of messages*

How does this look??😉

How does this look??😉

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It looks ok,i guess. 😏
You do know i have a girlfriend~ daniel

I know....😏

Madison only saw the part where i said it looked good. I wasn't trying to her heart, i didn't know she felt like she had to fight for a spot. Now my mom and sister is upset with me. ~ Daniel

I don't know what to say, i mean i know you didn't want to hurt her but things go wrong in life sometimes. I just don't want you hurting yourself, promise me you will eat properly and sleep at night~ Brianna

*sigh* i promise~ Daniel

I hugged daniel before walking back inside and hanging out with Jonah in his room. I don't have work tomorrow, so I'm staying at Jonah's.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now