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Nothing new, waking up to the sound of my phone going. I groaned in exhaustion has i picked up my phone to see it was logan.

When are you gonna be back?
This is ergent.
Text me when you're up.

Can i not sleep and wake up when i feel like it?

I don't got time for your shit.
This is serious.
Are you coming over now?

I was gonna get breakfast but since it's serious imma be over in a bit

Read 7:22am

Jonah was still sleeping and i didn't want to wake him so i quietly leave the room. I went downstairs to see jack and eva. I walked passed them and left the house.

I got in my car and made my way over to logans. I quickly made it through the light traffic and finally reached. I made my way up to see logan and Jake sitting in the living room talking. I went in and made my presence clear. Jakes eyes were red and puffy.

what happened? ~ Brianna

"where were you didn't you see  mom was calling you" logan said in a strong voice. he sounded really angry but he still didn't answer me

i was at the boy's. what happened, why are you guys crying ~ Brianna

"it's nana milly" jake said with a shaky voices

i stood there looking at how sad the atmosphere feels, they both are crying and logans clearing pissed, and jakes words "it's nana milly". that can't be good.

nana milly is our grandmother, my moms mom. she was everything to us. we would go to her for everything. she saved our life so many time. nana milly was goat. i'm not ready to lose her. my eye's started to get watery has it soaks in more.

"is she...?" i asked has a tear roll down my cheek.

no but she's in the hospital, mom say's it's really bad ~ jake

we're leaving in an hour, i got you a ticket so just go pack your bags ~ logan

i walked away, tears running down my cheeks. i went in my room and sat on my bed. i couldn't moved. she was everything, she was like a second mother. she was so happy when i moved out to LA and started my acting career. if i'm feeling this way i can't imagine what's going through logans mind. everything he did was for nana milly, she was with him when mom and dad wasn't. he practically lived with her when we were growing up.

is she gonna get to meet my child, she happier than i was when she found out. i promised her i'd bring her to one of my award shows someday. she haven't even met jonah. i moved out here and slowly drifted from all my family. so busy with work and all the shits in my everyday life. what if she doesn't make it?

the sound of my phone scared me and hit me from the trans. i looked at my phone to see it was jonah, i wiped away a tear has i answered the phone.

you know waking and you're not the first thing i see ruined my entire morning ~ jonah

sorry i just- ~ brianna

and it just got even worst, are you crying? ~ jonah

"it's grandma mills" i said has  more tears run down my cheek.

if i'm behaving this way when she's just in the hospital how am i gonna behave when she actually........ i'm just not ready. "brianna" i hear my name repeating

brianna, i'm really sorry. i'm coming over ~ jonah

i'm leaving in less than an hour, i have to go back to ohio ~ brianna

that's okay, i'll just come with you ~ jonah

you don't have to, don't you guys have that guest appearance show tonight ~ brianna

this is more important, i need to be here for you and make sure you're okay. i know how much she means to you ~ jonah

jonah i'm not okay with you skipping the show. it's okay if you're not always here for me ~ brianna

brianna ~ jonah

jonah trust that i'm not okay but i'll be with jake and logan and i will be okay ~ brianna

can i at least drop you guys at the airport, i have to say goodbye ~ jonah

the sound of the word goodbye. am i gonna have to say goodbye to nana milly? i'm not ready though.

brianna? ~ jonah

it's gonna make things worst to say goodbye and leave without you ~ brianna

i finished talking to him and hung up. he was still on his way. i don't think jonah's presence would make things better if i lost nana milly. his comfort would help but i'd still feel broken. i just drifted away from her and i feel bad for that. i don't know when i'll be back but i know for a sure, i'll have to drop that movie i was going away for. 

a knock was placed on my door and jake then walked in. he sat beside, he had that look. he wasn't telling me something. 

"are you okay" he asked breaking the silence

i couldn't help but hug him. i've drifted from him as well it's just sad. he hugged me back and it made me feel a bit better. this haven't happened in a while i forgot what it felt like to hug my brother. 

i pulled away and he still had that look. some things never change

is there something i should know? ~ Brianna

no, why? ~ jake

you have that look  ~ brianna

i just heard that my grandmother have this much time to live, what? you want to see a smile on my face ~ jake

what do you mean have this much time? ~ brianna

she has cancer, she's had it for a while. she didn't want us to know but mom told us ~ jake

my heart felt numb. am i hearing this right? i could possible lose her any minute now and.... OMG

and no one told me ~ Brianna

she didn't want you to know, with you having your baby. she didn't want to worry you ~ jake

jake are you hearing yourself? you guys were gonna let me slowly lose her knowing she's dieing. i could have been spending so much time with her ~ Brainna

she didn't want to worry you ~ Jake

jake, me not knowing shouldn't be a thing. you guys shouldn't give her that fucking option of not telling me. all this time i'm here with my petty shit i could have been spending time with her. making up for all this time i'm in LA ~ Brianna

i got up and walked out, i wasn't even crying no more. i didn't know what to do. i can't believe they'd do this. i could lose her any minute now. i left the apartment and was walking in the hall, the elevator then opened revealing jonah.

he looked up from his phone and saw me, i ran up to him and hugged him. he hugged me back has more tears run down my cheek.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now