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I woke up with a pound in my head. I rolled over and felt my body bumped into something. Or someone, "jonah" i said smiling with my morning voice. The smile was gone when i realised it couldn't be jonah. I quickly open my eye's to see Dylan. I looked down at myself to see i wasn't in clothes, i then quickly got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom.

"This isn't happening...... thar didn't happen....... this was not suppose to happen" i said pacing in the room.

You idiot, you were suppose to talk to jonah and fix things. Why do you always ruin things. Now you're drinking and getting drunk, now you're fucking on dudes. Whose next the old man in the lobby.

I felt my body hit into something, i look up to see i had just walk into the door. I didn't even feel a thing, what is even going on with me. First I'm seeing Jonah, now I'm hearing voices in my head.

I went in the room and quickly grab some clothes. I got back in the bathroom and hopped in the shower. I let the water run on my head and down my body, i was in the bathroom for a long time. My fingers were now getting rincled, i got out and dried ny body and my hair. I got dressed and went back in the room, which was now empty.

I knock was then placed upon the door. I opened it to see shailene. "Hey"  i said getting out the way so she could come in.

Have you seen dylan ~ Brianna

I saw him leaving here, he said he was going for a walk ~ shai

I can't remember what happened, i woke up without clothes and he was sleeping beside me ~ Brianna

I remember seeing you at the party drinking a lot. Then i saw you abd dylan kissing but then i saw you dancing with some other dude and dylan was outside holding his head. Then i couldn't find neither of you ~ shai

Why'd you let me drink ~ BrIaNnA

I tried to stop you but you kept throwing things at me.  I got Dylan to try and stop you but he was already drunk and that's when you guys kissed. ~ shai

"This can't be happening, i was supposed to fix things not make it worse" i said leaving the room

Where are you going ~ shai

I don't know but I'll be back soon ~ Brianna

I left the hotel and began walking. Of course i know where I'm going. I know where exactly Dylan is. Where else could he be, he's at the diner. i walked over thinking what i'm gonna say, this is gonna be awkward. i'm still in shock. i made my way inside and looked around to see him with his head on the table. i walk over and sat on the opposite side, i realized i was there and he sat up.

now your stalking me ~ Dylan

i just came to make sure you're okay ~ Brianna

like you even care ~ Dylan

it took me a bit to process where this talk is going. what does he even mean, i raised my eyebrow as i look trying to read his face expression.

what's that suppose to mean ~ Brianna

if you came here to ask if we did, no we didn't ~ Dylan

you remember what happened ~ Brianna

yeah, at the party we were both drunk. i remember us kissing but then you had drank more so i took you home. we was about to but i stopped you realizing this is only happening because we're both drunk. i respect you and you didn't even know it was me ~ Dylan

what do you mean ~ Brianna

you were calling me jonah all night ~ Dylan

that's why you're acting like this ~ Brianna

it sucks to know how hard i'm trying, i really like you but it hurts knowing you don't feel the same way. it hurts how you were willing to give that boy a chance the other day but here i am trying and failing. it just sucks ~ Dylan

i do like you and that's why i didn't fix things with jonah in the first place ~ Brianna

then why won't you give me a chance ~ Dylan

jonah and i broke up over something that wasn't serious. it was very petty, and because of that i feel like i don't have a reason to just throw away my feeling for him. i still love him ~ Brianna

"i kind of got that" he said getting up and leaving the diner.

i sit there thinking about everything. jonah's hurting himself physically and i'm hurting mentally. i need to fix this and fix it quick. on the other hand it's good to know we didn't.......... madison and i are going back to LA in two hours. i left the diner and went back to the hotel to pack.


we had just landed, she said daniel would get us but she never said all the boys would come. it's the first in a long time i saw everyone in one place. zach then ran up to me and hugged me. at first i was surprised but i returned it. i hugged the rest of them and has i reached jonah a girl walked and handed him a bottle of water as he had an other. i turned away and walked off. 
i'm so dumb now i'm too late to fix things. 
They dropped me home and they all left.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now