i just can't

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My eye's slowly opened and the bright light made me closed them instantly. I opened them again looking around the room then i noticed this isn't my room.

I had a slight pain in my head and i can't remember what happened, a doctor came in and asked how I'm feeling and he said people were outside waiting for me.

Is logan paul out there, can you get him please ~Brianna

Sure, can you drink this while i go get him~ doctor

The doctor gave me a tiny bottle of liquid which didn't taste like something anyone should ever ingest. Soon logan came in and gave me a hug, his eye's were red and puffy.

Thank god you're okay~ logan

I'm fine but i don't know why I'm in the hospital ~ Brianna

I don't know what happened, i just came home and the boys were leaving. I came in your room and you were on the floor ~ Logan

The doctor then came in.

You had a panic attack and you must've hit your head relly hard when you fell. Gladly no hard damage so you can leave whenever you're ready~ doctor

Ok Thank you ~ Brianna

Me and logan walked out the room and i saw Madison and the boys in the waiting room. I saw everyone except jonah. Then i remembered everything from earlier.

They all hugged me and asked if i was okay, i have to say i was happy to see Madison and daniel in the same room.

Where's jonah? ~ Brianna

He left, he said it's all his fault ~ corbyn

We all left the hospital, the boys said bye and i went to logans. I wanted to call jonah and see if he was ok but logan said i should get some rest. I have to be on set tonight so i do need some rest.

Dating one of my brothers friend // jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now