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Hey guys, this fanfic is about Draco Malfoy and the sister of Harry Potter. Her name is Emily. So basically Harry didn't know that he had a sister and it starts when he finds out, that's before Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when Harry is still at the Dursley's.

I'm really sory for the tons of typos I'm going to make, because I'm not a native speaker and my English is pretty bad. I know, some things are gonna be very unrealistic, I hope you don't mind. If you do, please don't read this♡

I don't think that this storyline would be possible, but I had this idea stuck in my head for years and I really wanted to write it down. ATTENTION GUYS, THIS STORY IS GOING TO BE HELLA LONG! AND IT'S GOING TO CIRCLE MORE AROUND THE GIRL THAN ABOUT DRACO! I think this fanfiction will have seperate parts, like one for each book after the fourth. As I already said, this one is happening during the Goblet of fire.

I would really appreciate some reviews and tips how I could do the hashtags right since this is my first story ever. If you have any questions, ask me in the comments.

All characters (besides Emily & some irrelevants) and most of the storyline belong to J. K. Rowling!

Have fun reading❤️ L

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