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"You indeed have a pretty house,"Emily said, without any sarcasm when they arrived at the Weasley's. Mr weasley looked at her surprised. That was something special to say for someone, who lived in either a castle or a penthouse most of her live.

She had already met Ron and the twins. Mrs Weasley stormed around the corner. After she had greeted Harry effusively, she turned around to her. "And you must be Emily, dear", Mrs Weasley said. „I am, Mrs Weasley. Thank you so much for having me," Em awnsered with a lovely smile. Molly immediately started liking her.

A second later Hermione and Ginny came dashing down the stairs. They first hugged Harry and then stopped gazing at Emily with curiosity. She confidently walked over to them and hugged both. Surprised by so much warmth, they reacted a second later. She then looked at them and said, "Oh my god, I totally love your shirt! And Ginny, I've always wanted to have red hair, but what do I get instead?" With an eye roll she pointed at her perfect black curls. The girls giggled all togheter. "Hey Hermione, we could ask Mcgonagall, if Emily can share a room with us!" Ginny proposed.

Harry was very happy that his friends got along so well with his sister, when suddenly Fred tapped him on the shoulder, "How, Harry, is it possible that your sister looks like a greek goddess?" Emily grinned and Harry could've bet that she had heard Fred.

"Emily, honey, you're going to share a room with Hermione and Ginerva," Mrs Weasley explained, "can you please show her around?" The girls immediately pulled her upstairs, already chatting.

As soon as Emily unpacked some of her stuff, Ginny started telling her all of the school gossip. "So in Gryffindor there are for example Dean and Seamus. Dean is pretty handsome." "Of course, she thinks so," Hermione interrupted, "she has a thing for him. But wait, not as much as for your brother..." Emily giggled and Ginny threw a pillow at Hermione. "Well there's also Cormac McLaggen,"she said with a devilish grin, "he has a thing for our dear 'Mione here." Now it was Hermione who blushed.

"Ravenclaw isn't that interesting, but Hufflepuff has some good ones," Ginny continued. "And I guess with some good ones she means perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect everything?" Hermione asked. "Cedric Diggory," they both sighed dreamily at the same time. "He has a perfect sixpack too, by the way," Ginny added. "Ginerva Weasley, what a scandal. I better won't ask how you know that," Emily said with a lifted eyebrow perfectly imitating Mrs. Weasley's voice.

"And then there's Slytherin," Ginny sighed. "They have the looks," Hermione explained, "but they destroyed it." "Who?" Em asked frowning. "Pretty much everyone, actually," Ginny awnsered, "especially Draco Malfoy, you're going to meet him soon enough. He is annoying Harry since forever. How can a person be so hot but such an ass?" Hermione rolled her eyes. "His father was a death eater. We think he still is."

Ginny and Hermione kept talking, but Emily didn't listen. Who was that boy? Was he supporting his father's job? Of course he was, he was raised to be, she thought. But there was a question that bothered her even more: Were there really still loyal death eaters out there? And if yes, why?

So hold up, guys, before you come @ me I know that the World Cup was on the 25 august and with that the chronology isn't right at all, but I just didn't know how to do it differently

There's going to be a new (a lot better) cover soon btw

l might do an Emily POV once they arrive at Hogwarts. Hope you like it♡

+ already 200 words more than in the last chapter ;)


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