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"Ugh, Harry, get a grip of yourself! Could you atleast try to act as if you're paying attention?" I groaned. Harry giggled and I immediately hit him over the head with my book. Poor, poor book, it didn't deserve to be treated like this by me.

Really, sometimes I just couldn't believe, that he was my brother. We had been in the library for a couple of hours already and I could feel that he was drifting off every minute. "The competition is in a few days and we still don't know how you can conquer the dragon!" Hermione added. Harry rolled his eyes at the two of us.

"Harry James Potter, I swear to god, if you don't focus right now, I'll go over to Krum and have a nice chat with him. He atleast appreciates my company!" I uttered. Harry had lifted a brow at the words 'nice chat', so I added surrendering, "Fine, maybe not a chat... but a nice silence." In that second Krum looked up and smiled at me, so I told my friends that I'd be right back and went over to talk to him.

Some time later the was a huge noise coming from the entrance of the library. And as if that didn't piss me off enough – really, being noisy in a library should be counted as felony – it were also the Slytherins blocking Harry and Hermione's way. Angrily I said bye to Viktor and approached the group.

I reached them just-in-time to hear Pansy Parkinson saying, "What are you going to do, Potter, without your psychotic bitch of a sister protecting you?" I tapped her on the back and she turned around.

"Hey, honey," I said, "psychotic bitch of a sister here. How 'bout you keep a safe distance?" "Oh Emma, we've been waiting for you!" she exclaimed. "Have you already read the new article about your Mudblood here? Stunningly pretty? Her? What were they judging against - a chipmunk?"

"A pug," I replied without batting an eyelid. "Ah wait, damn. That's more like your thing." Pansy's face fell, but she caught herself a second later and continued towards Harry. "Aw Potter, is that a tear on your face? Should I call your mommy? Oh no, I forgot that your family is messed up."

"You know what, Parkinson? I find it kind of surprising, to hear that coming from you." If I had learned something in my time at a muggle school, than it was if you were at war with the self-proclaimed Queen B, you always had to have an ace up your sleeve.

She looked at me confused. That was my start sign. "You know, I can't choose which one is weirder. There is the thing your dad is calling his toy boys. Was it bunnies?" I tapped my chin thoughtfully. "Nope. Probably doggies." I grinned deviously. There was a small crowd building around us and Parkinson's eyes went wide, even though I paid attention to keeping my voice low. We wouldn't want to disturb dilligent readers, am I right?

"And as for the other... well, isn't it a terribly confusing coincidence, that your daddy's doggies - really, horrible name - all look like a masculine version of you?" There were gasps from her housemates and my friends, but I noticed that some Slytherins like Malfoy - no, I didn't pay attention to him - didn't seem surprised. He just looked at me with his piercing eyes.

"You goddamn–", Pansy started to shriek at me, but was cut off by another voice. McGonagall. "Parkinson, would you stop!" she hissed. "10 points from Slytherin." Then she turned to the both of us furrowing. "Ms. Potter, you two weren't about to start a fight, right?" she asked.

"No, of course not, Professor," I said batting my eyelashes, "I would never start a fight where anyone can see it." McGonagall's wrinkles got even deeper but I could see the faint hint of a smile around the corners of her mouth.

God, I loved this woman.

"We were just exchanging family stories," I continued. "Have you ever heard Pansy's? It's fascina–" I was cut off by Parkinson jumping at me furiously. I dodged her attempt to hit me easily, but seriously, what kind of school was that? Everyone was cutting each other off.

"PARKINSON!!! IN THE PRICIPAL'S OFFICE, NOW!" she screamed and pulled her along. Smiling smugly I turned to the rest of the snakes. "I think y'all got the subtle hint I gave you. If you as much as touch a hair on my friend's head, I will dig out your best hidden secrets." I made a step forward and even these brainless idiots Crabbe and Goyle recoiled. "And then, I will bury you."

I turned around and tossed Harry and Hermione with me. "Go ahead, I need to borrow a book," I told them and made my way to a shelf. That was until a long white arm blocked my way.

"You know what, every time we start talking that ends painful for you, so why should we?" I asked rhetorically. He studied my face, looked at me intrigued and then he whispered something that shocked me more than any of his previous words and actions.

"Why aren't you in Slytherin?"

The Legacy of Emily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now