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"SHE IS YOUR WHAT???!!!" Harry heard Hemione's voice loudly through the telephone. "My twin sister, I've already told you that a couple of times."

"SHUT UP! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, how?" So he told her the whole story over and over again. "I'm coming with her to the world cup, so you'll get to know her. She's actually really nice!"

After he had talked to Hermione, he returned to his room. Well, now it was their room. She had occupied more than half of it for sure. It was two weeks since she moved in and they were getting along pretty well. Emily was sitting at the table and studying.

"Hey Em, what are you doing?" "Learning ancient Greek," she awnsered, staring at the paper in front of her. "Oh my god, you're even worse than Hermione," Harry groaned, "you two are going to be best friends. It's summer break and you don't even have homework to do. Don't you want to do something else?" Emily just rolled her eyes at him. "What, hang out with the Dursleys?" she asked ironically.

Later that night at 12 o'clock, when Harry was already asleep, she shook his shoulder, trying to wake him up. "What?" he murmured without opening his eyes. "You didn't forget it, did you? Happy fourteenth birthday, Harry!" She wrapped her arms around his neck so he had to gasp for air.

That was when he saw the room. It was full of balloons and other decorations and in her hands Emily was holding a cake. "I've got you something," she said. She took a small medallion out of her pocket. "Open it," she told Harry. Inside was a photo of the two of them. They had taken it one week ago. He stared at it, amazed.

"But wait!" Harry said, "We're twins. So if it's my birthday, then it's your birthday too!" "Obviously it is, genius," she said brusque, "to be precised tomorrow."

"But I didn't even get you a present!" Harry called. "Harry," she said softly, "the time I can spend with you is the best present I've ever got." She smiled. "And anyways, I've got myself exactly the same medallion as you. I've bought them from a witch, a friend of mz grams, so who knows, maybe they really have sone magic connection."

Harry looked at her again. Then he quickly pulled her into another tight hug. "Thank you so much, little sister," he whispered. With a sigh she awnsered, "Damn those 12 minutes."

Okay, okay, I'll admit it I reached a new record of short chapters. This is such a trashy filler chapter ugh, butttt the next one is really going to be better and longer.


The Legacy of Emily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now