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The first lesson on Monday was Care of Magical Creatures. I didn't know why I expected different, but the Slytherins acted disgusting, especially Malfoy. I didn't really feel disappointed, but I was kind of... surprised.

I hadn't talked to Cedric for a few weeks now. That was hurting me the most besides the thing with Malfoy. Wait, no. That thing wasn't hurting me, of course. It was making me furious.

I spent a lot of time with Harry, Hermione and sometimes Ginny in the library. I even talked to Viktor Krum a couple of times and I had to admit that he was surprisingly nice.

We sometimes went jogging together. I didn't know if I would consider us as friends, but it was definetly great having someone around, who didn't want to talk about the Tournament 24/7. Or talk at all.

Same as one Saturday morning. I've been avoiding Malfoy, so I was surprised and slightly confused when I heard him calling my name. Viktor looked at me and after one moment I nodded. He slowly walked away from me.

With a heavy sigh I turned around, just to see Malfoy already standing right in front of me. "What do you want?" I asked tired. "To talk," he answered. I scoffed. "To talk? Really? After how you've been acting lately?" I didn't mean to, but my voice grew louder and louder.

"You know, people have been telling me that you're an arse before I cameto this school, and after for a short time I started thinking that maybe, maybe they were wrong, maybe he's not that bad, maybe you can even have a decent chat whith him. They were saying, that you're a mean bully who enjoys other people's suffering. Now I'm sure that they were wrong."

He looked at me, utterly surprised. But I wasn't quiet done yet. "You're just a whiny little boy that can't handle the very few responsibilities that life gave him," I hissed, "And I don't care if the other people think that they should be careful what they say around you and your friends or even be afraid of you, because of your descent, your reputation, the obviously true rumour about your parent's hobbies. I won't let you continue strut the halls like this anymore and put down anyone, who doesn't fulfill your demands, because you are not the only one with great ancestry. I am not only a Potter, no, I am wholeheartedly a Morgan and I will show you that we never play fair!"

He just stared at me with his lips slightly parted. I didn't realize that tears of anger were streaming down my face, until he reached out and stroked away a tear with his thumb. Compared to the last time, when I had felt his touch, I caught myself quickly. That is to say, I slapped away his hand so hard, that I was pretty sure I had sprained something.

"For God's sake, stop touching me finally!" I yelled, not showing my embarresment, that he could put me off my mettle that easily. I tossed my hair and stormed off, trying to ignore the strange expression on his face.

When I arrived at the Hogwarts gate I bumped straight into someone's chest (déjà-vu bitch!). Next time Harry would ask me, if there was a thing I couldn't do, I knew the answer: casually walking around the school without knocking anybody over.

"Emily?" a way too familiar voice asked me. "Oh," I said, hoping that the tears on my face had already dried, "it's you." I continued walking to my room as he caught my arm.

"Emmy, please tell me what's going on," Cedric begged. "I don't have an idea," I snapped, "you are the one who's been ignoring me for the past few weeks." He furrowed. "But-"

"No! No "but"! You're walking around with people, who wear these horrible badges, for which they should've been expelled weeks ago! Also 'Potter stinks', really, you're not only offending my brother, but me! Hasn't that thought come to your mind?"

He stared at me shocked. Then he shook his head. "No. I didn't realize that. True, I thought, that Harry has cheated, but if you say he didn't, then I believe you. I believe you, 'cause you're still my best friend and I don't want that to change, ever."

A small crept onto my lips and it quickly got bigger. Yeah, I know, being mad at someone for a long time wasn't one of my numerous strengths. "Are we good again?" Cedric asked worriedly. As an answer I just wrapped my arms around him.

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