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Harry stared in disbelief at the girl, who had just appeard at his doorstep. She stared back. She seemed a lot calmer now, as if a heavy weight was taken from her shoulders.

Suddenly Harry started noticing similarities: Their hair had the same colour, even though Emily's was more voluminous; their eyes might not have been the same colour but they clearly had the same sparkle in it.

Sirius cleared his throat, "I will have to leave you two, since I'm a wanted fugitive and I don't want the Dementors to find me or the Dursleys to have a heart attack. Well, actually I do but... I'm sure you have to talk about a lot." And with that he disapparated.

"How is that even possible?" Harry stammered. Emily looked at him lovingly. "I know this must be confusing for you," she said, "it was for me too. We're actually twins. The thing is, that I wasn't born on july 31. I was born on august first. Dumbledore for whatever reason thought that Voldemort's followers might not even find out about me, if my... our parents sent me away. So they did.  They thought it would be safer for me.

I grew up in many different places with an old friend of Dumbledore. Her name was Lady Victoria Morgan. I didn't even know about my real family until three months ago. She told me before she passed away. So a week ago I went to talk to Professor Dumbledore. And well, now I'm here."
She smiled awkardly.

Harry stayed quiet for a long time. Then he remarked, "You said his name." As Emily looked at him irritated, he added, "You said Voldemort's name."

She frowned and after a while she carefully said, "I think we should know what we're dealing with and not be afraid of his name." Harry thought about this awnser. A small smile started building up on his face. "And really, Harry, after everything I've just told you, that's the only thing you find surprising? You totally must be my brother!" She winked.

"What is taking you so long?" Vernon screamed as he came stumbling down the stairs. "Who is this young lady? She isn't from your school, is she?" "Not yet," Emily mumbled under her breath and started telling the Dursleys the same story she just told Harry. With some small changes of course.

As Harry saw their shocked faces, he almost laughed. Then he noticed that he must've looked the same a minute ago.

5 minutes later he had figured out that his little sister was a genius. She somehow had managed to get an official confirmation of adoption and one to stay at the Dursley's during the summer. And about half an hour and hundreds of complaints later they were carrying her suitcase upstairs to Harry's room.

"Thanks for letting me stay here, Harry," she said after throwing her stuff to the floor. He nodded and asked, "So if you didn't go to Hogwarts, how are you going to catch up?" "I was homeschooled, actually. By Vicky and our butler. I had to do a test and McGonagall said that I could go to fourth grade too. I will be sorted into a house by the sorting hat. I hope it will be Gryffindor! Or atleast not Slytherin, ew." Harry couldn't help but laugh.

The Legacy of Emily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now