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It was surprisingly warm this morning so I decided to go for a run. I wanted to do it already a couple of weeks ago, but I was way too busy with getting used to everything. Well, I was still pretty busy today, since I wanted go to the library to find out some useful stuff about the Tournament, but I just had to free my head first.

Yesterday, when Harry came to the common room, I had pulled him aside and he told me the whole story.

I was disappointed in most of the Hogwarts students, they should've stood in for Harry. Also I was kind of basically disappointed in everyone. I was really disgusted by Ron, I guess it was obvious why. I was lowkey confused by Hermione, I didn't get why she didn't talk to Harry yesterday evening, even though I knew she was going to get it. She was way too smart to honestly believe, that Harry put his name in by himself.

But most of all, I was disappointed in Cedric. How could he not believe Harry? He was my brother! He surely wouldn't go around telling lies! Probably this wasn't Harry's biggest problem, since they weren't really friends, but he was my friend and with that my responsibility and so was his totally foolish opinion my problem!

Moody's theory, about someone wanting  to kill Harry... well, it wasn't surprising to me. It had come to my mind, the second Dumbledore called Harry's name. For god's sake, I was so worried about him! I just didn't know what to do. And I really wasn't used to not knowing what to do.

Without being pessimistic, Harry didn't really have a chance to win the Tournament. Don't get me wrong, he was great in Defense against the Dark Arts, but the others had so much more experience! And even if he would win, then only if it was planned by the one, that put his name into the cup. And honestly, I didn't believe that that would be good.

Shivering, I opened the door of the school and slowly started jogging. Yes, I had missed that. The worst part about Hogwarts was, that there wasn't P.E.

I was wearing black leggins and a black spots bra with orange stripes and matching shoes. On top I had thrown on my blue and orange sports jacket - a souvenir from a Mets game I had visited with my adoptive family -, because even though today was a rather warm day, hell, Scotland was cold.

Back in London I had been going jogging every day in Hyde Park or at Thamse river, just as in New York in Central Park. In Switzerland, there wasn't really a fixed route I had had since everything was full of beautiful nature. In Veremont, I usually ran trough a forest and in L.A. I often went running with friends. We once did it at 4.30 a.m. on the walk of fame, that was completely ridiculous. I had never really realized how much I'd been around until now that I was staying at Hogwarts the whole year.

But the landscape here was also breathtaking. The sun was rising and reflected on the water. It threw amazing lights all over the place. I heard some birds and the wind, but everything else was quiet.

I pulled out my earphones and picked the "CALM DOWN, EMILY!!!" playlist. I had listened to it about 5 years ago, when my so called best friend had started talking about me behind my back, when she'd become a back-stabbing bitch and just dumped me out of nowhere. This playlist had stopped me from breaking her something. In the end I'd only slapped her. Fine, fine, I may had broken her nose too. But only a little bit. And she really deserved it. My other bestfriend had occupied himself of the rest.

I had reached the water by now and got faster. The next song started. And another one. And another.

After about one hour, when I already wanted to go back for breakfast, I heard someone calling my name.

Oh hell no, not now. Whoever this was, my how-long-until-I-snap level was so high that I probably shouldn't be talking to anyone, besides maybe to some of my old friends, who would see all of this crap totally impartial.

I turned the up volume and started running even faster. "Emily, wait!" someone called. Whoooops, seemed like I had to correct myself: I would rather talk to anyone but him. Suddenly a hand grabbed my arm. A hand with long pale fingers. Shit.

"I'm not in the mood, Malfoy, so whatever it is, say it fast," I uttered way more confident and calm than I felt.



Under his pale skin, you could clearly see a six-pack and there was a slightly visible V-line. He was buff, but not too musculous. He was wearing sweatpants and a pullover around his waist. Why couldn't he just put it on, finally, so I could focus on forming a logical sentence?

"I was just surprised to see you. I thought I was the only one who went running that early," he said. I was surprised that he didn't annoy with the first sentence he said.

"Well, you were wrong. I already saw this prat Krum running around as if he was stung by a bee." He laughed quietly.

"You seemed pretty upset yesterday", he said with a surprisingly soft voice. "No shit, Sherlock", I responded. "What, don't wanna let out some of your slick remarks?"

His eyes wandered from my messed up bun, to my swollen eyes and my lips that were bloody from me biting them. "No," he finally said, "atleast not to you." He lifted a hand and put a stubborn curl of my hair behind my ear, leaving his touch there longer than necesarry. I shivered and suddenly felt goosebumps on my heated skin. Probably because of the cold. Not because of that weird feeling in my stomach.

He murmured something that sounded suspiciously like "what kind of spell is this?". Suddenly he turned around and jogged away.

Fantastic. As if I didn't have enough to rack my brain about already. Oh my god, these boys were really going to drive me insane.

Only later I realized that this had been the first normal conversation I had had with him. And most likely also the last one.

I slowly started running up to the castle again. I turned left at the entrance, when I suddenly bumped into something hard. I really had to wean myself off this.

As I looked up, I saw a rather confused Viktor Krum landing me a hand. "Thanks," I said, quickly letting him go, as soon as I was standing. "I'm excusing myself," he said with a heavy accent, "I wasn't watching my step. I have a lot on my mind today."

He might be a professional Quidditch player, but he had something quite clumsy, what made me take an immediate liking to him. He somehow reminded me of Neville.

I gave him a restrained smile. "No problem, dearie, you're not the only one." He took a closer look at me. "You're Harry Potter's sister." I rolled my eyes. "Aye-aye, Sir." "My friends told me that you were... upset yesterday," he said. Why did everyone keep saying this today? I lifted a brow for him to continue. "I just wanted to tell you, that I hold no grudge against you or your brother, even though it might seem that way if you listen to Karkaroff."

He held out a hand and after a few seconds I took it. "Thank you," I said, "this really means a lot to me." And it did. I saw the looks he was giving Hermione, so I was happy that he atleast wasn't a complete ass. On the contrary to some other people, whose names started with a D.

Almost 300 reads, thank you so much!!! I know, it doesn't sound like a lot, but to me it is.

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