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Emily POV

"How did you do this?" Hermione asked me as we sat down at our usual table. "It was a shield charm," I answered, a bit surprised that she didn't know it. "I can teach you if you want."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Not that! Of course, that was great and impressive! But you didn't say anything! We don't learn non-verbal spells until the sixth year!"

I shrugged. "Albert taught me a couple years ago." Hermione just frowned and Harry and Ron didn't really care, since they were already eating.

As I was on my way back with Hermione to our tower, I heard a voice yell my name. "Hey Em, Emily wait up!" I turned around to see the person who called me. The cute Hufflepuff boy Cedric was catching up with us. "Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" "Sure," I said and told Hermione to go ahead. She just gave me a look that said Ginnywillknowaboutthis.

"What you've done down there was brilliant!" he said. "I'm awesome, I know," I answered winking. He grinned. "And not even a bit conceited." I laughed.

"So, I was wondering," he started and blushed, "if you would like to spent the next Hogsmead day with me..." I was pretty surprised since I wasn't really expecting this. "Not a date or something," he hurried to say when I didn't reply.

I gave him a smile. "Of course, I'd love to!" I said. I really did. He breathed out relieved. "Great! Is it okay for you, if we meet at 11 o'clock in the hall?" I nodded and waved him goodbye.

As soon as I entered our room, Ginny started to bombard me with questions, never waiting for an answer. When we reached the "Is it true that you've already kissed? Because, you know, I've heard rumours." I couldn't stop laughing anymore. "First of all," I explained, "we didn't arrange secret meetings every day at 4 p.m. And we also didn't have sex in a broom cupboard, that's low, even for me. He only asked me, if I want to spend a day in Hogsmeade with him and I said yes."

"A date!" she happily clapped her hands togheter. "Yeees!" "Nooooo!!!" I groaned and explained the whole thing to her. She looked a bit disappointed but then suddenly she continued, cheered up, "Well, anyways, it's a start. And if one of the most popular boys in this school asks you out that must mean something!"


The next few weeks, it felt like time was flying. Everything went by normal, except for some petites affaires.

For example there was this moment in our dorm when I took out my mobile phone. "Don't even try, it's not going to work anyways," Hermione mumbled without looking up from her book. I smirked and suddenly loud music filled our room.

Mione's mouth fell open and Gin looked at me alarmed. "Hexed muggle objects," I explained, "my speciality."

Potions had become my favorite and least favorite subject at the same time. I loved brewing potions, but I couldn't escape the stares of Draco Malfoy there.

Not that I wasn't used to it, not that I had a problem with people paying a lot of attention to me but it felt like each of his stares pricked me like a stitch. Not wanting to quote my dear Shawn Mendes here, of course. Oh bloody hell, now I had a catchy tune for the next few days!

Snape, on the other hand, was treating me weirdly... respectful. I really didn't think that it was because I had impressed him so much and I was usually good at reading people. There was something else about it, I felt it.

Then finally the Hogsmeade weekend came. Ginny had begged me to tell her every single thing that happened, later. Not that I really had a choice. She would get it out of me anyways, even if that meant loud yells at midnight, caused by tickle attacks.

I met Cedric in the great hall. In the last couple of weeks we had become pretty good friends and I enjoyed every second of the time we were spending togheter. It was like living in a different world. Living a different life. An easy life. But unlike it how might seem, my life'd had never been easy. I hadn't had a proper childhood the only thing I was doing, was preparing myself for something, I didn't even know–

I dismissed this thought fast. This day was about having fun and not thinking about why she hadn't told me why I had had to–
Damn it, I was doing it again.

"You look fantastic as usual," Cedric greeted me, what brought me back to the present day. Over the black skinny jeans and the white t-shirt I was wearing my favourite red cardigan and on top of my curly hair there was a light brown hat. He offered me his arm. "Ready, Ma'am?" he asked winking. I laughed. "Ready, if you are."

The fresh september air streamed against us as we strutted down the way to Hogsmead. When we walked past a group of Hufflepuff girls who diligently greeted Cedric and almost as diligently tried to kill me with stares, I whispered, "Whooops, look at that. Seems like some people are jealous of you. It's probably because of the fact that you're walking around with me. I can't help it, I'm gorgeous."

He rolled his eyes. "Obviously you are, honey. You should hear what the boys in my dorm are saying about you. Or see the looks of these 24/7 horny boys in the corridors. Well no, actually you shouldn't, your self-concidence is strong enough."

I hit him playfully. "So, what are these looks like?" I teased him. He groaned. "There are two types of them... Half of them looks at you, as if they're five years old and you're their Christmas present. The second half looks at you, as if you're the desert in a michelin starred restaurant."

I giggled. "Very poetic. Thanks for comparing me to chocolate, I'm very honoured since it's my favourite thing in the world," I said, "besides you, of course." "Crawler," he hissed between clenched teeth, trying not to laugh. Then he froze. "Wait, did you just call me a thing?" I laughed. Oh goody, what a bright spark.

"By the way, you know who belongs to the second half of your fans?" asked Cedric. "No, Ced. I didn't even know these two oppositions existed, before you presented me visibility." I recited dramatically.

But he didn't react. Suddenly he wasn't in such a good mood anymore. "Draco Malfoy," he said. "Don't let him to close to you, won't you?" I furrowed my brows. "Really, Cedric?" I asked. "You're seriously worried that he'll get into my panties? For real, if I needed it so much, I'm sure, I'd have better opportunities."

He smiled weakly. "You're unbelievable," he said. "What do you mean?" I enquired innocently. "My unbelievable hotness or my unbelievable greatness?" Hee laughed. "Both, I s'posse." "Now if that's settled, let's go!" And with that I hopped forwards, pulling him with me.

Hey dearies♡ I'm trying to post as often as possible, but I'm quite busy atm. And I don't even know why but I'm in such a Christmas mood rn.

Anyways I know what you think: like 10 chapters and almost no Dremily (I decided to call it that, even though it sounds horrible) buuuut as I told you (go look up the very first chapter) this is going to be really long so be prepared. Plus it's not only about their relationship, this story is mainly about Emily. Love y'all :)

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