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When we entered the great Hall, it was as usual filled with noise and laughter. Hermione and me slid into the seats next to Harry and Ron. I scooted around in my chair and tried to act normal.

The boys were so caught up in their conversation that they didn't notice the looks Hermione was giving me. "They are going to find out about it sooner or later anyway, you know," she said and frowned. "More likely sooner than later."

That attracted Harry's attention. "Find out about what?" he enquired.

Energetically I speared a strawberry with my fork and held it up to inspect it intently. "Is it just me," I said,"or do the strawberries really have an even more intense shade of scarlet today?"

They all just lifted their brows at me. "What?" I asked, innocently twisting a strand of my jet-black hair. "Fine," I then sighed. "But promise me not to lose it before I finish."

"C'mon, Em, it can't be that bad," Harry tried to convince me. "Trust me, it is," Hermione said at the same time as I cracked a laugh that must had sounded rather hysterical. The boys became visibly pale.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "I'm going totheballwithdracomalfoy," I mumbled barely audibly. After not hearing a reaction from them I carefully glanced through my half-closed eyelids.

Ron looked at Harry. "Did you hear what she just said?" he asked him. My brother shook his head cluelessly but both seemed to fear asking again.

"Oh for the love of Merlin!" Hermione shrieked. "She's going to the Yule Ball with Malfoy!"

Several heads from our table turned and I slapped Hermione over the arm. "Quiet!" I hissed. I looked at Harry and Ron who's looks were transitioning from incredulous to judging and back again.

"Don't blame me!" I exclaimed. "You have no idea to what actions a girl is forced to get what she wants!"

On their faces there was pure shock. "Emily," Hermione began carefully, "that sounded a bit wrong." Now I was the one with the lack of understanding. She sighed. "It sounded as if you want to go to the Ball with him."

I groaned. "Look, guys, it's complicated," I said and told them a quick résumé of the conversation with McGonagall, how I could only organise the Yule Ball if I was going with a Slytherin and the encounter with Malfoy.

Ron stared at me disgusted. "Has that git already charmed your pants off? Honestly, I thought you were–" "Honestly, Ronald," I cut him off, "pardon me, but I couldn't care less about what you think of me." That shut him up.

Harry still was oddly quiet and I sighed once more. "Listen, Harry," I said and grabbed his hand, "I'm also not particularly fond of this situation but if that's what it takes to get me this task, then I'm doing it." I looked him straight into the eyes. "Would you go on a date with Pansy Parkinson if that was the price to pay for playing quidditch?"

"Ha!" Ron shrieked. "So it is a date!" Harry and I ignored him completely.

"I probably would," Harry replied cautiously. "But what does this have to do with it?"

"Because this is my quidditch, Harry," I said barely audible. "Tell me, why do you enjoy it so much?" He scowled. "I'm not quite sure," Harry answered. "Sometimes I have the feeling that it brings me closer–" "–to Dad."

He gulped visibly. Then he nodded his head. I reached over the table and took his hand when I saw that his eyes were glittering with tears.

"This is your way to stay connected to them," I said. "Although I don't remember our parents, I love them and I will never stop mourning them. But you have to realize that literally a couple of months ago I knew nothing of their existence." I smiled weakly. "Actually nothing of yours either. I was always quite isolated and there was barely anything linking me to this world. One of the very few people that meant something to me was Victoria. She might have been strict and severe at most times but she was the closest thing I had to a friend, a relative, a mother figure."

Once that I had started, the words flying out of my mouth couldn't be stopped anymore. I knew he would understand because if he couldn't, no one could. It didn't bother me that we were in the middle of the Great hall; I felt like it was only Harry and me, bonded not only by blood but also by pain and grief.

"Victoria would always throw huge balls at our place and she often joked that if there was one thing she wanted me to inherit from her than it was the talent to organize events. She said that the key to good connections and therefore influence was in charming your way into people's minds and where did this work better than at your own party?"

I chuckled. "Of course, at that point I didn't care about all this. The days packed with organisation were probably the most lighthearted of my whole life. It was the only time when Victoria let her hair down.

Now that she is gone there is this huge void inside of me and I don't know what to do with it! Each time I so desperately try to fill it with friends it just cracks open a little bit more." At the end of the sentence my voice was shaking.

"I know you're familiar to what I am talking about, Harry. It feels like someone has ripped out a big part of you and you can't help wondering if you will ever be yourself again without it.

The only thing that is left to me is this fading memory and all I can do is hold on to it because what would I be without it? I can only live in the memories by continuing to do the things we did together."

I wiped away some tears that were making their way out of my eyes and straightened my back.

"Even if that means that I have to the Yule Ball with Malfoy."


A/N: I'm very sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time but I was really lacking motivation. Big thanks to @millie1845 and some other people for leaving nice comments that make my day each time I read them.

I know that at the moment the whole thing with Emily's childhood is quite confusing but don't worry about it, you will understand at some point of the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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