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"Holy shit." I froze. "What?" Cedric asked, slightly confused. He already had chosen the sweets he wanted and now his hand stopped halfway to his mouth. His look shifted from me to the Shock-o-Chock from Honeydukes between his fingers.

"I haven't bought any Christmas presents yet!" I yelled, almost having a panic attack. I was sure that you could see my gears turning by now. Cedric chocked on the candy. "But there are still almost three months until Christmas!" I looked at him, as if he had offended a kitten. "Still?! Still!!! There's no time at all!" This time Cedric choked on his laughter.

To be honest, I might had exaggerated it a bit with the amount of sweets I'd bought. But I couldn't help it. "Albert always has to pull me out of Fortnum & Mason forcefully," I told Cedric.

"What is that place?" he asked. "Is it some sort of supermarket?" I stared at him as if he had a third eye and then I snorted. "Honey, you should be happy that I'm in a good mood or I might've killed you because of this comment." Then I grinned, when an idea struck my mind. "You have to come to London with me next time!"

"So, next stop Three Broomsticks?" he asked me an hour later. "Totally," I replied smiling. We sat down at a table next to the window and ordered two butterbeers. A few minutes after it came, the door opened. "Oh bloody hell," Cedric hissed who had first noticed them. "No cursing allowed, my dear prefect," I teased him and looked around too.

In the second mine and Malfoy's eyes met, everything seemed to slow down. It was like the world blurred. He first smirked, but then he saw who was sitting next to me. His look hardened and that was what brought me back to reality.

With a devilish grin I bent forwards to Cedric and whispered, "That is going to be fun." As soon as he got what I meant, which was pretty fast since we didn't need many words to understand each other, he let out a loud laugh. I giggled with him. "God, you're so funny, Ced!" I laughed and put my hand on his arm. He mumbled, "Take a picture of his face, send it to his Slytherin lads and I'll love you forever."

When we had calmed down a bit, he said, "There's actually something I wanted to talk about with you..." I nodded for him to continue, as if I didn't know where this was leading. Seriously, I might not be the brightest witch of age – that was Hermione obviously – but I wasn't blind either.

"There's this girl I like... Cho from Ravenclaw. I really don't know what to do. I wanted to ask her out, but I'm afraid she'll just laugh. You know, you girls can be really confusing sometimes. And–"

"Cedric," I interrupted him softly – I was just going to ignore his comment about us girls and put a hand on his, this time not to annoy Malfoy, "have you ever looked into a mirror? You're handsome, smart and talented. A great friend. You have nothing to be afraid of. And if she really dumps you then... then: a. She's a super stupid bitch and b. then... then she'd have to deal with me and trust me, that's not something you want to do." He smiled and squeezed my hand. "Love you," he said. "Love you too."

A bit later Harry, Ron, Ginny, Hermione walked into the Three Broomsticks. I waved at them and they came to sit next to us. Hermione sat on the empty chair next to me, Gin, a bit awkardly, next to Cedric. Harry and Ron settled down at the ends of the table.

"So, I know there aren't any Quidditch games this year, but aren't there tryouts?" I asked, to ease up the mood. "Yeah, Wood wants to do it like that," Harry replied. "Fantastic, I'm coming." I clapped my hands.

"Have you ever played before?" Ron asked. I denied it. He barely could stifle his laughter. "What's so funny Ronald? I've read everything about it and, as you should know by now, judging by Hermione, reading can get you far." I said with a lifted brow. I didn't like this. "Or are you on the team?" He blushed and shook his head.

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