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It was august 20 when Emily woke Harry up early in the morning. They were back at Little Whinging. "Ugh, leave me alone," Harry groaned. "Get up and pack your stuff, sleepyhead," the blue-eyed girl commanded grinning. "We're going to London!"

After Emily had told him her plan and they had packed, they hurried downstairs, where the Dursley's were sitting already. As soon as Em brought Vernon his breakfast, she amiled sweetly at him.

"Uncle Vernon, I know it's a bother to you that you have to bring us to the train station before school starts," she began, "so we thought we'd make it easier for you if we'd leave today on our own." Everyone at the table looked up, surprised.

"And how the hell do you want to get there without a car or train tickets?" Vernon asked suspicious. "Oh, this is not a problem," she said. "It's not?" Harry asked confused. Emily kicked him under the table. "My butler is going to drive us. I already called him." "Your what?" Vernon and Harry asked at the same time. "My butler," she repeated while everyone was staring at her with disbelief.

About half an hour later a black limousine with dark windows stopped in front of 4 privet drive. Harry's mouth fell open. A rather old man got out of the driver's seat. "Oh love, I'm so glad to see you again," he said to Emily while he was hugging her. "Me too, Al," she replied. "I've missed you."

"And you must be Mrs. Potter's brother," Arthur said while shaking Harry's hand. "How often did I ask you not to call me that!" Em grumbled with a smile. "Not often enough, Ma'am, not often enough." He winked as he opened the door for them.

"You can drop us off here," Emily said and they stopped in front of a skyscraper somewhere in Westminster. After they said goodbye to Albert who was, how Harry found out, now retired and lived in London, but still did anything Em asked him to, they took the elevator.

As she took a key out of her bag, Harry asked her, looking at the house in awe, "Is that yours?" "Not the whole thing of course!" she laughed. "It belonged to Vicky before and now it's mine. We have another flat over in Kensington. She was a witch too, by the way," Emily awnsered. "Did you get along well with her?" he wondered. "Yes, really," she said, sad. "She was like my grandma. She and Albert taught me everything I know."

Once they entered Harry was totally astonished. There was a large living room with a big flat screen TV, a modern kitchen and an open staircase leading up to the penthouse floor. Behind the door there was a dining room with a table for eight people and a sitting room. Harry and Em climbed the stairs which ended in a room with comfy-looking couches and a piano. "Do you play?" Harry asked his sister. "Yes, I totally love it" she responded. Then her gleamed with pleasure when she got an idea „I could teach you something."

"Hell no," he exclaimed. "I'm so untalented!" "And that's exactly why you have to learn it!" she countered. "Girls love it when a boy is musically gifted." She winked. Harry gave up sighing.

There was also a ballroom on the same floor. "Once we're done with school," Emily promised with a grin, „we're gonna throw a giant party here." For a second Harry froze. He had never really thought about his life after school and even if he did, he surely hadn't considered a twin sister to step into his life. But this sometimes a bit dorky ball of light and energy named Emily had made his life more liveable in the short time she'd been with him and he couldn't imagine being separated from her.

The five bedrooms were also like nothing Harry had ever seen. Three of them were furnished rather modern, the other two looked like rooms from the Buckingham palace. Harry chose one with green and silver walls – mint green, of course, otherwise it would have reminded him too much of Slytherin – and a high king size bed, which looked so soft, that he just wanted to cuddle himself into it. Emily slept in one with an absoloutly breathtaking view. It was furnished modern with a low black and white bed and a giant bookshelf. Harry thought that this were the most books he had ever seen on one shelf, just until she told him, that there were way more in her private library in another estate she'd inherited.

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