The Struggles of Immortality

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Hey guys! So this chapter is a little joke chapter about Y/N dying over and over again because he was persuaded to go on a mission with team RWBY and it goes horribly, horribly wrong. Enjoy!


It's been a week since the incident in class with Cardin and Pyrrha and I was finding teaching the students slightly enjoyable. The fact that I still couldn't die bothered me a little but at least I was mostly enjoying myself. I had been working all week on toughing up the young warriors and I was making good progress. 

Team CRDL was acting more mature and pulling themselves together, team JNPR was progressing with ease and I found that Jaune was working much harder than before. I found that he was training with Pyrrha in secret and I could tell it was paying off, that combined with his natural leadership made him a strong fighter and worthy adversary. 

Team RWBY was the team with the most confusing results though. Weiss and Ruby were on and off but when they worked right, they were certainly a force to be reckoned with. Yang and Blake were doing well on their own, with little hiccups outside of class along the way. Yang was learning to control her semblance a little more so she didn't make herself vulnerable in combat. 

However, outside of the class, I wasn't fairing so well. I kept going into the forest, looking for Grimm, but because of my negative emotions I drew in way too many at a time. I got overwhelmed more times than I can count, leading to constant deaths.

Y/N: God, it feels like I'm back at Lothric Castle. 

Before I fought the last Lord of Cinder, Prince Lorian and Prince Lothric, I had to kill or run past a stupid amount of Blue Lothric Knights. All of which had some form of enchantment for their weapons. I was walking back to Beacon, dragging my Greatsword that I found in Farron Keep, when I bumped into someone who I recognized as Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Oh! Sorry sir!

Y/N: It's fine. And don't call me sir, just Y/N will do.

Pyrrha: Ok, Y/N... So, what's wrong? You seem beat.

Y/N: 25 deaths in about an hour will do that to you.

Pyrrha: Oh, right... I forgot about the whole 'undead' thing.

Y/N: Well, my natural ability to draw the Grimm to me like a god-damn magnet doesn't really make for a fun hunting experience.

Pyrrha: What do you mean?

Y/N: Well, I'm filled with so much negativity that I'm a homing beacon for Grimm.

Pyrrha: Why are you filled with so much negativity?

Y/N: Since I can't die, I've lived at least 10 life times. After a while, immortality makes you wanna die real bad.

Pyrrha: Well, how old are you exactly?

Y/N: Technically, about a few hundred years old, but under normal circumstances, I'm only 17.

Pyrrha: Then, why are you a teacher and not a student?

Y/N: Because, their is nothing this school can teach me. I know every fighting tactic, every trick and every lie. If I were a student, I would never do anything, I'd just sit around and contemplate my 'life'.

Pyrrha: Well, there's still a class about the history of our world. I doubt you know about that.

Y/N: Normally I'd be offended by anyone who assumes I don't know something. But you're my star student and, to be honest, I really don't know a thing about this place. I've never been outside the school to see any of it.

Pyrrha blushed slightly at my comment and cleared her throat. 

Pyrrha: W-well, if you'd like I could take you into town and show you around.

Y/N: I would... But my appearance wouldn't be very welcomed in the city.

Pyrrha: Why's that?

Y/N: Until I find a purging stone, I look like a guy who's been dead for centuries.

Pyrrha: O-oh, well what does it look like? Maybe I can help you find one.

Y/N: It's a small grey stone with a skull in the middle. Or if there's a purging monument, A large black oddly shaped rock, I can cure my hollowing forever.

Pyrrha: A big black weird rock? I saw something like that at the entrance ceremony!

Y/N: Then let's go. Lead the way.

Timeskip - Emerald Forest

Pyrrha's POV

I walked Y/N to the giant rock formation in the Emerald Forest. The whole way I was nervous, but I don't know why. When he saw the formation, he ran towards it and examined the plate on the front at the base of it.

Y/N: Impossible, how... How did it get here?

Pyrrha: Is this it?

Y/N didn't answer me. Instead, he knelt at the base of the rock and reached his hand out. He muttered a few words I couldn't understand, and then he emitted a short glow before standing up and facing me. He looked at me for a moment before taking off his helmet. When I saw his face, my face heated up.

He had H/L H/C hair and vibrant E/C eyes. He looked at me and smiled before pulling me into a hug. I was shocked by this to say the least, but I eventually hugged back. After a minute, we separated and he looked at me.

Y/N: Thank you. Now I am free of my hollowing. Free to roam without the fear of people running away from me because of my appearance.

Pyrrha: Y-you're w-welcome.

Timeskip - Beacon

After what happened in the forest, my head was filled with questions. All about Y/N. I couldn't get him out of my head, and I was starting to figure out why... I liked him.


Hey! Thanks for reading! So this story was less about Y/N dying a bunch and more about my decision to pair these two up. However, I do intend to throw shit at the fan later and mess it up a bit, but they will be the couple I swear. I don't know what the next chapter will be about, probably Pyrrha and Y/N, but look forward to it whenever it comes out. Signing off!


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