Old Friends

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A/N: Hey guys! What's up? Now I bet you're wondering 'what's up with this writing style?' And to answer the question, I have Yami here.

Yami: Hello.

A/N: Now if you read my chapter titled 'Jack' from my Eyeless Jack story, you'd know that Yami is my new friend I conveniently made up to make these authors notes more interesting.

Yami: I still don't know how to act. You haven't given me a personality.

A/N: I'll... get to work on that. By the way, Timeskip is courtesy of ONYXKILLER who gave me the idea last chapter! Enjoy!


I was sitting around for a while before Ciaran came out of the bathroom in some clean clothes I... 'borrowed' from Glynda. 

Y/N: You certainly took a while.

Ciaran: These baths are quite something. I could get used to this world.

Y/N: Well, time to teach you about the TV, the greatest thing this world has to offer.

Ciaran: It's really that great?

Y/N: It is. Now, starting off with the remote. This device controls the TV. The red button at the top is to turn it off or on. On the shelf there we have some small thin cases. In the cases are thin, round and shiny discs. You insert the disc into the TV to make it play different things you want.

Ciaran: I see...

Timeskip brought to you by Ciaran poking the TV with her swords 

After lots of explaining and demonstrating, Ciaran had the TV figured out. I checked the clock to see that I had to be at my next class in 10 minutes.

Y/N: Well, if you want you can stay here. Or you can come to my class with me to teach?

Ciaran: What do you teach?

Y/N: I teach advanced combat and some magic.

Ciaran: Very well, I will go with you.

I nodded and Ciaran and I got into our armor before heading out. I'll have to talk to Coco about getting her a new outfit. Maybe it could be fun. Once we arrived at the class, Ciaran took a seat at my desk, looking at some of the small trinkets I had decorating it.

Y/N: Alright class! Today we'll be joined by a close friend of mine. Ciaran, if you would?

Ciaran introduced herself to the students, leaving out some things that they wouldn't understand. To them, she was an old friend of mine and that she was a strong warrior. But to me, she was the past lover of my mentor and a Knight of Gwyn. We started class with some basic spells like fireball and heal, before going into sparring. 

The first few matches were pretty simple, the last one that just ended was Pyrrha versus team CRDL. As expected, Pyrrha won. What I didn't expect was for one of the students visiting from Haven challenged Pyrrha. Even less expected, he surrendered in the middle of the match.

Y/N: I hope you put a little more thought into who you challenge next time, Mr. Black.

Mercury: I'll do that.

Y/N: Now everyone, as you all know, the school dance is coming up. But your first mission is on Monday. I won't accept any excuses. Dismissed!

The students filed out quickly, but I stopped Team CFVY before they left.

Y/N: Not you four. 

Velvet: D-Did we do something wrong?

Y/N: No. But.... Coco. 

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