The New Student

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A/N: Hey guys! So I'm back here now, and it's been quite a while. Last time you finally got Neo back in the scene and now you have to help her with the transition into school. Remember though, she will not be joining you and Pyrrha!

Yami: That's right, she's already supposed to be with the reader in the upcoming Neglected Sith Male Reader x RWBY story! And that's not coming until some of these stories are done!

A/N: I'm having a hard enough time managing 5 stories, never mind another one or in my case three!

Yami: Oh right, you've also got the Twili Male Reader x RWBY coming and the Lucifer Reader x RWBY.

A/N: Yeah, but don't be fooled by titles! The Twili one will not be the reader paired with a RWBY girl!

Yami: Oh, who? Wait, I already know. Hehehe...

A/N: I guess they'll have to wait! Enjoy!


As I walked onto the grounds of Beacon, I was greeted by Ozpin, Ornstein, Ciaran, and Glynda. I had let them know that I was bringing Neo to Beacon and wanted them to meet me in the courtyard. As I approached, Leo and Ciaran came first with Ozpin and Glynda behind them.

Ornstein: So, this is the kid?

Y/N: Yeah, she used to be with the bad guys, but not since I crushed her boss into the pavement.

Ciaran: You would...

Y/N: So, this is Neo. She's... very quiet.

Ornstein: A mute?

Neo nods as Ozpin walks up to her, a case on his side.

Ozpin: Nice to meet you Miss Neo. Since Professor Y/N believes that you would be an asset to my school, I've already made the arrangements for your enrollment.

Neo smiled and bowed to show her thanks as Ozpin handed her the case.

Ozpin: Here is your uniform, Scroll, and schedule. If you have any problems, your dorm is right next to Professor Y/N.

Neo bowed again before running off. Before she could get very far, I grabbed her shoulder and made her stop. She turned to me confused.

Y/N: Remember, you were with Roman.

Neo looked down.

Y/N: I'm gonna have to make sure you get to your dorm alright. Can't have a misunderstanding with Team RWBY.

She looked up and saw me smiling at her. She smiled back before we walked off.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Neo trying to lift the FUGS

Yang's POV

The team and I were walking around the school, looking for something to do. We hadn't seen Professor Y/N in a while, and we were trying to find him.

Ruby: Where do you think he would go?

Yang: I don't really know. Maybe the woods?

Weiss: If he's a responsible teacher, he's probably on business.

Yang: I'm pretty sure he's got better things to do on the weekend.

Blake: Maybe he's in his room?

Weiss: We checked there earlier.

Ruby: He might have gotten back since we checked.

Yang: It couldn't hurt to look.

Weiss sighed in defeat as we began our walk back to his dorm. As we got close to it, we saw that short pink girl from the train. But she wasn't alone. She was with Y/N.

Yang: You!

The girl looked back at us before giving Y/N a nervous look. He just patted her shoulder before unlocking a door, letting her inside. We ran after her, but Y/N stood in our way.

Yang: Y/N, do you know who that is!?

Y/N: I'm fully aware of Miss Neo's past affiliations.

Yang: So why is she here!?

Y/N: You didn't hear, so I don't expect you to know about it.

Ruby: Know what?

Y/N: She left Roman and leaked plans to the police. She was scared into doing it when I killed Roman.

All of us looked at him in shock. He killed Roman? I looked at the others and saw that Ruby wasn't very surprised.

Yang: Ruby?

Ruby: Yeah?

Yang: You don't seem all that surprised.

Ruby: Oh, well... I kinda saw it.

Y/N: That's right, you were there.

I looked at Y/N.

Yang: You killed Roman in front of Ruby!?

Y/N: When I got here first, I didn't really care about her. Anyways, I have to help Neo get settled.

Y/N walked into the room, leaving us to think about this.


As I walked into the room, I saw Neo laying out her uniform.

Y/N: Wanna try it on?

She turned to me and nodded before running into the bathroom. I sat in her room, examining the room. I'd never noticed how simple these rooms are. Her's is different from others since she's on a one-woman team. She has a single bed, a desk, a bathroom, and a closet. The desk had a computer terminal attached to it and the closet opened with the touch of a button. All this time in this world and the technology still amazes me.

Neo eventually walked out, the uniform on. It fit her well, and I wondered how. Of course, the answer was obvious. Oz really gets around. Neo pulled out her new scroll, coloured to match her theme.

Neo: How do I look?

Y/N: It suits you.

She smiled before grabbing her umbrella and hanging it on a hook on the wall with her jacket. She then turned to me and handed me her schedule. She had a schedule that put her in my class at the same time as Team RWBY but not with them for the others. Smart move Ozpin. This way I can keep an eye on her with the other girls.

Y/N: You've got your first class with me it seems.

Neo: What do you teach?

Y/N: Magic combat. I'll help you catch up with the others in the class.

Neo tilted her head in confusion, no doubt unsure of what I meant by magic.

Y/N: In my world, magic is known by many. It's not difficult to learn, but it is difficult to master. I teach all of you how to use my magic.

Neo's eyes lit up with excitement. She looked very excited to learn to use magic. I walked to the door and opened it, letting myself out. I walked across the hall and right into my room. Even though I only told Ozpin about her today... he seems to have things very conveniently set up.

Y/N: Nothing in my world is as mysterious as you, Oz.

A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! So now Neo's in the school. And she's right across from you.

Yami: Next time you'll get to see something pretty neat! Magic is involved.

A/N: This time, I'm not saying anything about it. Signing off!

- Iain

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